Boy with Dinosaur
Friday, January 6, 2012 - 17:08
Art Type:
Based on my husband (although I think he prefers velociraptors). I did this before the skeleton, but it was still for Inkscape practice, so here it is! As always, I love critical comments.

Very nice as always :)
A couple of notes:
The character looks foreshortened, but the glasses don't, which is slightly jarring. It might just be that they're at an exact straight angle. In any case, I wouldn't change them much (as it would be easy to overdo it), just a tiny bit.
On some of your other works (like the skeleton) you shaded the back leg. That might work here too.
The one other little nitpitk I have is that the shoulder on our left (his right shoulder) looks a bit odd, perhaps because of where his sleeve starts. It looks kind of like his shoulder is further back than it should be, if that makes sense.
Looking forward to your next one. :)
I think I see what you mean about the perspective issues for the glasses & arm - I'll have to watch out for that kind of thing with the next characters. Thanks for all your help, and I'm glad you're liking them! Let me know if there's anything in particular you'd like to see in the future.
Good start... but... if you use this for game art you should break apart the limbs for easier animation [split the arms and hands and legs into two / three objects]. I also noticed that you are a little sloppy on the nodes [use more corner nodes to define the shapes better] and use clip and path combines [difference and addition] to create more complex shapes eg. the highlight in the hair. Check your illustrations with the real world eg. the glasses should have the cross bar at the top and a line going to the ear to keep them from floating on the face. Lastly a little shadow helps bring out the face [a duplicate of the face shape, reduced in size and intersected with the hair shape].
and the svg file: