Castle Tiles for RPG's
- Don't list this collection in the archive RPG
- !CO Assets
- 04. Pixel Art - Terrain
- 2-Acetoxy-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium
- 2D - RPG - [LPC]-Compatible Tiles/Sprites
- 2D - RPG Tiles
- 2D - Tiles 32x32
- 2D assets
- 2D Platformer Pixel Art
- 2D tiles
- 2D tilesets topview
- 2D::Tile::Orthogonal
- 32x32 ambient
- 32x32 Fantasy Tiles
- A Pixel Art Collection
- Acid
- Andruil RPG
- Art used in Dusk Graphical MUD
- Assets
- Assets
- Assets for making DOS games or games like in DOS in the early 90's
- Awesome Game Art
- Best Orthogonal (rectangular) Tilesets for Tilemaps
- cc-by-3 possible game kits and gfx
- Circle Graphic like art
- Collected
- Comb Hair
- Credits
- DD
- Dreamcatcher
- Fantasy RPG
- Field Guardians
- Frostcrest winter jam 2022 scouting
- GameCollection
- Godot RPG Sample
- Golden Axe
- Impyrean options
- JRPG Engine Demo
- Liberated Pixel Cup
- long licence fantasy modern game
- LPC Art Collection + Others
- LPC Assorted Assets
- LPC Compatible Terrain/Tiles
- LPC Game assets
- LPC RPG Assets
- map sprite
- Medicine's disordered list of Fantasy RPG Tilesets
- MedievL Sequence
- Minimmo project
- Mitty's Maize
- MyGame
- NOT CC0 Tiles & Tilesets
- Oddball Gamez LPC Style
- pixelart-game-by
- PixelFarm
- Platformers for Roman's Rescue
- Potential HTML5 RPG Assets
- Rockwood village
- Roguelike
- rpg
- RPG Game
- RPG Game 2
- RPG Stuff Collection
- RPG Tiles
- RPG-t.d
- RpgMakerAssets
- SNES Style RPG
- Temple and Ruins Assets
- Test
- Theme - Fantasy Sprites
- THEME: fantasy / rpg
- tile
- Tile Sets
- tileset
- Tilesets
- Tilesets
- Tilesets
- Tilesets and Backgrounds (PixelArt)
- Top Down 2D JRPG 32x32 Art Collection
- Top Down Fantasy RPG for Commercial Use
- TopDown RPG
- topdown tiles
- Tower Defense Art
- Trevas
- Ultimate TableTop
- Used in Hero of Allacrost
- Used in Valyria tear
- Viewpoint - Orthogonal Sprites
- Workable style 32x32 tiles
- Zed: AM: Top-Down
- Zelda Like RPG
Here's another Christmas present for you guys in the opensource community :)
I just made this Castle to replace the ugly and questionably licensed one I had on dusk from years ago... before OpenGameArt existed.
I also told Bertram that I would try and come up with a Castle to help him complete the tilesets he needs to make his game "Valyria Tear" I know Roots was asking for artists to draw up a Castle for his game "Hero of Allacrost" before he dissappeared, so this is a christmas present to both those guys and also a welcome back gift to Roots.
The Castle roof blocks could use better texturing but I think I've nailed the general shape of the castle ;-]
I hope you guys like the example screenshot I've drawn up with Tiled.
Most of what you see in the example came out of tilesets I've submitted to OGA but there is a couple things I think I should point out that didn't come from my submissions. The bridge came from The Mana World (Irukard I think). The boat, dock, water ripple and a couple sacks came from LPC's Daneeklu.
Edit: I drew this awesome example to show whats possible with the art assets that are available on OGA. The only thing in this example that isn't on OGA is the big bridge which was made for The Mana World by Irukard licensed GPL. Everything else is either licensed CC BY 3.0 or CC BY SA 3.0. The following links will bring you to all the tilesets I've used in this example.
Irukards big bridge (GPL):
Daneeklu's LPC submission (CC BY SA 3.0):
Hyptosis' huge collection of 2d tiles (CC BY 3.0):
Jetrel's wood tileset (CC BY SA 3.0):
Daniel Cooks grass from Lost Garden tiles resized to 32x32 (CC BY 3.0):
Oh and if it's a problem having the big bridge (only GPL item) I'll remap that area with something under a CC license.
50% of what you see in the tileset was created by me and 50% is Hyptosis' stuff I thought would fit in with the Castle--End of edit
There's a lot of neat things going on in the screenshot. Cute birds in the trees, somebody's been killing people and disposing of their bodies by chucking them off the bridges.
I drew the entire castle using 1 wall tile I got from Hyptosis' stuff. I made the new grass to water variations (using bit's and pieces of what hyptosis created-thats 100% his grass-and I used his idea of blending into water with his rocks so credit there goes 50-50%), the water tile (50%Zabin-50%Hytosis), the water fall, marketplace, code of arms, smaller anvil, bigger gold/coal crates, longer ladder, bigger flags, window, bookshelves, recolored the rock ground, splitting block, and decorations.
I've basically organized a lot of stuff Hyptosis made into this Castle Tileset while creating a lot of new stuff to try and complete the castle.

This is actually very impressive work, Zabin :)
And I'll definitely use your work on what's next in the story of Valyria Tear.
There is a lot of little wonders in the example not being part of this screenshot, and I think I'll finish by begging you to later add them around. ;)
Thanks a lot and Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Thanks guys.
I'm glad you like the Castle Bertram and I can't wait to see you use it in your epic game.
I still need to make about a dozen tiles to finish the Castle. I'll finish it in a week maybe, I just get tired of working on the same thing and need a break from it. Right now there is only 1 tower size. I cheated and stretched the tower by using the same tile on top of itself, thats why it doesn't look perfectly diagonal and bumps around. I was suprised how it all came together and it looks pretty good as is. Heck it might be better bumpy then perfectly diagonal.
No need to beg me Bertram :-) I was planning on organizing everything I used of Hyptosiss art into nicely organized tilesets. While I organize I might recolor things to better fit the style. You know my normal variations/additions. More coming soon-ish.
Cool to hear :)
Yet, don't feel any pressure from me. You've done more than I could possibly ask to anybody.
just saying wowee! Can't wait to see how both of these guys use this.
Aww, thanks man! This looks great and it will really help us out a lot. Your timing couldn't have been any better either, as I'm going to get to work on our castle town tileset tomorrow.
Sweet! :D It's my pleasure and I'm truly glad it will help you out. Thank you for making such a great game/engine and am looking forward to playing your game "Hero of Allacrost". Just so you know I need to finish the back towers a little and I plan on organizing all of Hyptosis' stuff (thats in this example) into nicely organized tilesets to make your and Bertram's life easier :)
I contacted Hyptosis on to invite him to check out this Castle example and here's what he said :)
Hyptosis: "Very cool! Thanks for letting me know! I looked over the entire place, makes me feel happy!"
Can you link to the base tile set (grass, lake, etc) that you have used with your castle set, please?
The link's already there.
Hyptosis' huge collection of 2d tiles (CC BY 3.0):
It's in batch #1 tileset :) I'll add better clarification of it because I take some credit making the grass to water because if you look close at batch #1 you'll see no water tile. So I've completed hyptosis' water tile and made the variation to his grass using bit's and pices of what he had created for the cliff into water. So essentially the credit on that goes 50-50%. I'll specify that item now (in the description) and I'll work on setting up a image with each item pointing to the author. So you guys can appreciate the work I do :)
Edit: Ok just added more explaination to the change-log in the description. I hope that clears up how I made the new water/grass variation. I truly love it and I think it's the best water/grass variation ever!! (still plan on improving the water tile tough) The 1 I made using Jetrel's grass (Jetrel's wood tileset (CC BY SA 3.0): )which is used in the screenshot but it combines 2 licenses together so I couldn't include it in this tile-set. I'm contacting Hyptosis to try and clear up the licensing on that one so I can include it with my next tile-set that will be licensed CC BY SA 3.0 . I should have that one submitted soon.
Added grass to water variation to link to the Lost Garden tileset made by Daniel Cook.
Also recolorized my market place and worked on the roof.
Also added a graphical explaination (ArtistInfo.png) showing my work seperate from Hyptosis' and what was used to create some of my new stuff. Seeing it seperate like this confirms my gusstimate of 50-50% of the work here was done my me ;)
I thought a change log was good enough but I'm still learning how stuff is done here at OGA. Sorry for not providing this sooner.
Wow, excellent!! I still have no idea about when I'll start using this one, but it's a must!
No hurry Bertram ;) FYI I'll get around to better organizing it when I finish the last few tiles.
I was just checking out Clint Bellanger's Flare project page and noticed he was doing this onegameamonth challenge so I went to and saw they used my Castle example as January's inspiration :D Heck ya! I thought I did a good job mapping that example and seeing it there let's me know I'm not the only one who thinks that.
I'd love to map a whole continent like that and make all the game content. I think I could make a whole game myself using this old Dusk engine. Dusk needs improvement code-wise :( and I haven't devoted myself to learning Java yet. I'm actually willing to pay a Java developer to "modernize" the game. I'll get around to updating my Dusk blog in a couple days explaining this.
I just want to know why that guy jumped off the bridge? :(
@Kalagaraz Heh, it might appear like that but that's not what I was thinking when I put that corpse there. I was thinking of 'Bandits' which are bad guys who rob people travelling the roads between cities. A quest I had in mind was to kill the 4 bandit leaders, as 1 of the jobs for the bounty hunter's office.
Great stuff, Zabin! Thanks for compiling this!
Me dejas sorprendido con tu trabajo
WOW! Amazing artwork!
Hey! I tweaked your awesome castle a bit to fit more with the Liberated Pixel Cup style and the various other 32x32 castles on OpenGameArt: .
Hey I saw this and I am making a little commercial game and would love to use these texytures. I just wanted to know how exactly you wanted to be credit, the format and what needs to be in the credits. And Do I credit anyone other than Zab,hyptosis and daniel? Thanks lemme know.
These are brilliant. Thanks.
It has been discovered that the lamp from Hyptosis's Mage City Arcanos submission is not usable. It is from the RPG Maker XP runtime: should be replaced/removed in this submission.^ Also, the clock face shown in this set is derivative of non-free art and should also be removed. :/ Sorry. I have to mark this with a licensing issue, but I'm confident it will be very temporary. :)Edit: Fixed by Zabin.
@AntumDeluge I want you to know I love what your doing with the art on OGA for Stendal (I played it a little a long time ago). Thanks for looking into Hyptosis' art to make sure he didnt miss anything when he was remixing using RPG makers assets for a strong inspiration almost like a derivitive. I'm pretty certain I know the difference between inspiration and derivitives. But as Hyptosis said he may have missed something. Thanks for looking into this stuff.
@MedicineStorm I must have got that before Bart edited it out of Hyptosis' submission. Thank you for bringing that to my attention. I just made a quick 10 minute edit and drew my own clock face. I was inspired by the original but in no means is a derivitive. I also erased the lamp in question so the licensing on this should be good now.
Awesome! Thanks. I love this set.
I've found that OGA is the best possible resource for the work that I'm currently doing on Stendhal. This is a great community & I appreciate it & the contributors so much. Without it, I would have likely had to draw most everything from scratch. Which is what kiheru from the project has been doing. And he has kindly allowed me to upload his works here.
Also Zabin, just want to remind you, your Lots of Hyptosis' tiles organized submission needs updated as well.Very Nice!