Saturday, May 28, 2011 - 03:55
Art Type:
I'll probably do more of the tileset at some point in the future

I'll probably do more of the tileset at some point in the future
These are really cool looking. One thing though, they seem to be designed for a grid that's 31 pixels wide, which is kinda weird.
It'd be really nice if there were some castle-wall type tiles to connect them.
I also thought the 31 pixel alignment was strange. I haven't aligned these to a 32x32 grid but I have made all the tiles 32 wide instead of 31 wide, so with some fiddling you can align it yourself. I also made some wall tiles that you can modify and such to create building connections as you like by copy/pasting.
What I found particularly strange about this style is that it seems to have been made in 16x16 and was then scaled up to 32x32 where work then continued on it, which creates this visual style that reminds me of Fire Emblem in it's style. I haven't come across this style of doing things before and the shading style itself almost seems to defy the laws of physics with regards to lighting, which made/makes it difficult for me to really complete the wall and make it look entirely consistent with the buildings without having a full understanding of what was going through the OP's mind/what rules he/she had defined for the tiles. As you can see.
I hope someone will find this useful.