Character portrait kit
Bases to use for character portrait construction. I tried to stick with just 2-4 colors for each distinct part so they are easy to modify and expand. Changing just a few pixels, such as eye size or mouth position, is often enough to make a big change in how the character looks.
32x32 fits most heads, 48x48 fits head and shoulders, and 64x64 fits the whole torso.
I have been working on this set to come up with portraits for some of my voxel characters, but I hope they are of more general value to the commnity!
Includes 4 bodies for male and female characters, several head and hair styles, a base design for shirts, different armor types, and a few extra accessories like hats and hoods (the hoods were based off of this CC0 work by Clint Bellanger, Blarumyrran, crowline, and Justin Nichol).

this is awesome!!
thanks much for sharing!
For fun, I tried adding a bearded old man head, but I don't think it came out too well.
Sharing anyhow, maybe someone else can show us all how it's done :)
shared under the same license, but don't bother crediting me, give all credit to DezrasDragons.
Thanks Cap, that means a lot!
I really like your bearded old man too, I may have to take a crack at it. I loved what you did with TinyWorlds' Spelunky-inspired merchant, so I'll try to come up with a portrait for him.
I'm pretty happy with how he came out! I tried adding some grubby little hands at the end, but they didn't come out so well.
I left all my intermediate steps so people can see how I got there. I started with one of my wrinkly old faces, and the buff shirt. I widened the face, made the nose bigger, and added some slouch to the shoulders (moved everything above each red arrow forward one pixel). This guy is on the more, ahem, robust side, so I removed shading for the muscles (on his chest, and the little bit coming out of the armpit defining the lower bounds of his pecs), and broadened his lower half a bit. Finally I smoothed some of the rough edges out.
I ended up playing with different beard styles, I thought the no-moustache version looks the most like TinyWorlds' character, and I was especially proud of the greedy eyes and pursed lips in the final version. I definitely struggled getting the hands right, though.
P.S. Just for clarity, everything in this is released under the same license as the main submission, though you may also want to credit TinyWorlds.
haha! I love it!
seeing the stages of your process is also super cool!
You are just made it that much harder not to put down my big 5 year project and run out and make the adventures of Old Man Miney McMiner!
In a desperate attempt to sate my Miney McMiner thirst without actually starting in on the game, I'm currently working up a few color variants using my goofy pixel palette tool thing, so stay tuned!
sorry for the delayed response, I was traveling all this past week.
No worries, hope you had a good time traveling!
I have really wanted to play around with your palette swapping tool - I think I just have to take the plunge. And I'm definitely staying tuned - can't wait to see what you come up with!