Chiptune Racer (Full Album)

This is an older album I created (2018) and released to all the streaming platforms that I could. The basic premise is that the entire album is fit for a retro racing game. Hopefully you will find a use for the music. I am only releasing high quality 320kbs MP3s as it is just too time consuming to convert them all and listen for imperfections. Feel free to convert them yourself if needed using tools like Audacity.
Unfortunately, I do not have all the FLPs in a state that is fit for release. Even one of them was somehow lost during backing up the data. If you are interested in an FLP, shoot me a message on here or twitter and I'll see if I can dig up the right one to share. If I do find the last FLP and fix it up a bit, I'll release them all eventually.
If you're feeling generous, throw my personal spotify link to the album in the credits but it's not required.
I still retain the rights to the album art however. Please do not use it.

Beautiful !! :D
So glad you enjoy the music! I'm constantly creating and hope that you check out my work! I really don't care if you pay for it. I want people to support all artists in their adventure to find something new! :)
The quality is comparable to your "7 Days of Sorcery". Which means: You are a god and I LOVE it !
Thanks for the kind words Lmoere. I find the comment surprising because I made 7 Days of Sorcery in a week. XD