Cidade GBA (City GBA)
Monday, September 5, 2016 - 00:48
Art Type:
A simple pack of tiles for you build a small city. I've inspired on "ADVANCE WARS 2" (an amazing Game Boy Advanced strategy game) graphics.
Based on original tiles, I've created and added new tiles and elements. Hope You enjoy.
You can build unlimited cities and you can create your own tiles.
Credit is needed.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
If you need specific graphics, please contact me and we'll talk about business.
Tião Ferreira -

You can't post non-commercial-only assets on OGA.
New tiles!
Thank you for revising the non-commercial requirement. :)
I still not understand completely these license schemes. I posted this pack with non-commercial license because I did not create these graphics from zero. I took inspiration, as I said before, on the game "ADVANCE WARS 2", from Nintendo GBA.
I'm warning, however, I did not ripped the original graphics, I just took some inspiration on pattern style. You can see new and different patterns for tiles and other elements I added, they don't exist in original graphics.
I had so much fun drawing these assets, is funny to build minimalist games with them.
Now, show me what you can do, I wanna play :)