Cleaned-up base human models
I basically cleaned up the base human models pfunked made for them to better suit blender model exporters of various game engines. This is still a blender 2.49 file though, I might convert it to 2.5 when needed.
The original:
What I did is the following:
1. apply the rotation and the scale that the skeleton had
2. rest-pose is still the T-pose, not what you see when opening the file. Go "Pose->Clear Transform" and clear all of them in pose mode to get the rest pose. Or "Pose->Apply pose as rest pose" to, well, use the one you see as a rest pose.
Things still to do, but less dramatic:
1. cannot move/rotate the model by moving/rotating the skeleton object. Need to do both.
When using it, attribute both pfunked and me.

could someone pls export this model to some different format? like .3ds or .obj? i would love to use it in milkshape but it seems like blender exporter is not working right for me
I 2nd that. Are there any low res models out there for humans?
Yo, inet search for "blend to obj convert". There are a bunch of free converters.