Cloud Platform
All Assets used in the creation of the Isometric Cloud Platform at your disposal.
All These Resources are uploaded in .svg formate and can be scaled to whatever size you want. For now they are 300px * 300px, some however have been uploaded in 300mm * 300mm. Simply resize to your tastes.
If the asset is isometric and you need it to remains so, resize the assets by constraining them in your editor of choice (I use inkscape).
If you need the items for this project only, the zip file is below.However. All these assets will also be assimilated with the following archive (if you need stuff from particular category)
Isometri Dwellings -->
Nature -->
For more categories, check my profile.
If you need to convert any asset to old school pixel format, follow the tutorial below
This project including Character art and sketches used can be found here -->
Use as you wish, modify, feel free. Drop some credits for me.
Have Fun!