Clover Cutouts - Improved and Expanded!
Hello! This pack includes public domain cut-out PNGs of white clover (Trifolium repens, also known as Ladino clover or dutch clover).
I created this pack when I noticed that a few different texture releases on OpenGameArt had cutouts of the same species, but these had noticeable problems with stray pixels in the transparent portions. I put them all together, cleaned up and improved the images, and added a cutout of the flower, which I had to partially rebuild to hide blades of grass that were in front of it.
You can use these for photo editing, textures in 3D modelling, and whatever else you want. If you need different angles or parts of the plant to be included, feel free to send me a message and I'll update the pack.
This release is a part of OpenTaxa, a project to create libre depictions of our planet's species:
This pack has been remixed from previous CC0 texture releases from OpenGameArt and CC0/Kopimi photos from Wikimedia Commons:
-'vegetation_clover_02a' is taken from paramecij's vegetation base texture pack:
-'clover_close' variants and 'clover_full' were taken from janexx's plant texture pack:
-'clover_flower_macro' was created by me from a CC0 photo by Siddharth Patil:
Crediting me and the authors that came before is not necessary but highly appreciated. Consider commenting below with your project if you end up using these!
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To see more of my work and socials or to commission something, here is my list of links: