Copper pipe tiles
Friday, July 21, 2023 - 06:58
Art Type:
These are some tiles for making large copper pipes, based on 32x32 tiles. They were the result of me just practicing picking colours for metallic objects and thus don't come with any matching environment art. But I thought why not share it anyways, someone might need them.
There is a tilesheet "pipes.png", which has all the different tile forms, including end points.
The "pipes-autotile-xp.png" is formatted to be used as an autotile in RPG Maker XP. The "pipe-ends.png" has all the end points that would not work in autotile format, so if you want to use the autotile version, you can just put the ends from there on your general tilesheet.
You can also check out more of my free assets here: Aurora-Sprites
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You are also allowed to share and repost my assets (or edits thereof) as long as you credit me and provide a link that leads back here or to my homepage.