Desert cliffs tileset
Sunday, July 31, 2011 - 04:20
Art Type:
A 32*32 pixels desert cliffs tileset i made a while ago. There's a lot of stuff to fix in it, but i doubt i'll ever work on that one again, so here it is.

These are really nice ^^ Don't know if I can use them but you're a good artist
A really nice set there. I was going to use an edited version of this set for The Mana World's CR-1 Project but they will only accpet GPL licensed work. Any chance I could get you to cross license this set? :)
Disscussed and shown in the thread here:
There is very little chance you could get me to cross license this set. In case you'd sincerely wonder why, i can explain it all to you. I can be joined "live" anytime on Freenode : #tmw-ufb
But i wonder why you care : it wouldn't be the first of my works (in progress) that gets used by the manaworld without care for license, credit, or even my opinion. Or do you think it is special because this one was posted in here? As if, because i didn't post everything i made in here, all the rest was automagically GPL-licensed? Well that, unless we're talking about derivative work from GPL stuff, is not true.
So, it seems a bit weird to me that taking a piece of work from an author, using it and licensing it the way you like, would be a problem for the manaworld on this particular piece.
arikel, this isn't the appropriate channel to vent frustration about a work that you think was inappropriately picked up by The Mana World as GPL-compatible content. Please contact somebody involved in TMW content development if there are any issues and I'm sure they can be quickly resolved.
Well bjorn while adressed the question of why TMW developement team licensed something without having the rights to do so it failed to give me any reasonable answer.
Here is where i asked the art is used and licensed without any rights, the "you post and we license thing" does not exist in any fantasious universe.
This is arikel's property, TMW owns nothing.
They are guilty of copyright infringement as i exposed them here:
So that make me believe that Arikel asked them and they ignored him as they did to me.
Arikel's complains are right, so please avoid to try to hide these things, Artists must know about these project where Art is autolicensed against the real author will just because they posted to ask for hints, so Artists can avoid these projects.
I guess that maybe now i might have an answer but... it's too late, 6 days to take care of that kind of issues are way too much for my tastes.
TMW tries hard to respect the rights and wishes of contributors, because we are contributors ourselves. Unfortunately, sometimes there is a misunderstanding. This situation was further complicated because developers come and go. Our current dev team wasn't around for whatever conflicts happened in the past.
Once we learned of the concern about his Wyvern graphic, we immediately asked Arikel whether he wished it to be included in the game, and offered to remove it. He does great work, and we're grateful he replied and has now clearly offered this for us to use.
If someone believes we use their work improperly, please contact us on our forums at
Thanks a lot from me, this post is awesome and made my day, thanks :)
Also, i apologize for being way too much agressive along the road but the topic was deeply sensitive and important to me.
To finish i wish to donate the copyright of all the art (where i own that copyright) that i posted in TMW media to the project, as sign of faithful trust in this new Team.
I also wish the best to this new TMW team.