Dreamy side scrolling, RPG Title menu and RPG village exploration (Hitctrl remixed)

Dreamy Side Scrolling Level Music 1 by Hitctrl https://opengameart.org/content/dreamy-side-scrolling-level-music-1 CC-BY 3.0
RPG_Title_MainMenu by Hitctrl https://opengameart.org/content/rpgtitlemainmenu CC-BY 3.0
RPG_Village_Exploration_Music by Hitctrl https://opengameart.org/content/rpgvillageexplorationmusic CC-BY 3.0
Resultant license: CC-BY 3.0
This remix represents my creative mix interpretation of the tracks, woven together with loops and a deliberate progression. While it's not flawless, I'm pleased to share it with you as is. Future revisions may bring even more refinements, but for now, I hope you enjoy this iteration.
I created a second iteration which is extended (4:12 min) and has more loops combinations. you'll find it as "Dreamy_RPG_Title_Village_exploration_Mix2" on the file download section.