Dungeon Crawler Mini-Map Tiles
All tiles are 512x512.
This is the order they are in:
0 = empty tile
1 = North Wall
2 = East Wall
3 = South Wall
4 = West Wall
5 = North & East Walls
6 = East & South Walls
7 = South & West Walls
8 = West & North Walls
9 = West, North, & East Walls
10 = North, East, & South Walls
11 = East, South, & West Walls
12 = South, West, & North Walls
13 = North & South Walls
14 = West & East Walls
15 = North East Corner
16 = South East Corner
17 = South West Corner
18 = North West Corner
19 = Trap (overlay)
20 = Chest (overlay)
21 = Point of Interest (overlay)
22 = Stairs Up (overlay)
23 = Stairs Down (overlay)
24 = Door in North Wall (overlay)
25 = Door in East Wall (overlay)
26 = Door in South Wall (overlay)
27 = Door in West Wall (overlay)
28 = Solid, filled in space.
Messed up slightly, should have swapped "Point of Interest" and "Chest" because the POI should still be visible behind the chest, if you have both in the same tile. Oh well, I can make it up in code.
Just thought I would post this here. I always look for things like this, so I thought someone might think they are useful.