Emma the 2d character sprite for 2 angels
Wednesday, February 20, 2019 - 09:02
Art Type:
woman in 2d, the model is made in two angels side front, the preview image is only demo, the rigable parts are in the fla file for flash cs3. there are many body part in layers that makes this character. the file can be edited, like one want. its 100% free. you can bye the way find simmilar flash cs 3 effect on my site. if you like the character. give me a thumb up. you need 7 zip and flash cs3 to open the file.it¨s all free. i'd love to see simmilar project here in future

how were the eyes made? They seem like a different style than the rest of the components.
Is the house pixelart in the background also CC0?
the house in the background is not part of it.does not have other function, just to show how caracter loock.,its not part of it. will remove it, but, need to go to work. will be back in bussinees soon. thx for comenting... the main part are on right and left. they can be used to make a cartoon caracter,that move and does stuff.
there will be a better version,with no sign of pixels. when i first uploadet here ,i tough it was a ghost site, so had no real plans, on developing the character. but this loocks like an active comunity. yes .will take a litle time working real hard on a animation movie. the caracter emma is going to be character in a movie. the resource for the movie project, will be avadable here. stuff and material will be avadable for you to download here. the platform being used is flash cs3. you will in fact need it to open it. flash is great for animation , even games. it'ts not popular any more. but that does not mean its not the best. lol.