Epic Endgame Cinematic
Monday, May 28, 2018 - 18:20
Art Type:

Dramatic female vocals theme with horns and deep bass. Please enjoy!
This is for my game Pixelsphere http://pixelsphere.org
My game and soundtrack are 100% free -- there's over 50 great songs on the 4-hour soundtrack, plus I have more fun trance/ambient music on http://cynicmusic.com for free --- you can stream it on my website anytime with the built in player.
Please contact me if you use my music, I'd love to see your project and give you a shoutout on my website! Much of the music on http://pixelsphere.org you may use for free in your game if you contact me for permission and join my mailing list: http://cynicmusic.com/email.html
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
http://cynicmusic.com http://pixelsphere.org

Oi cynicmusic! Muito bonito esse som, encantador. Eu o adicionei em meu jogo e conforme li você gostária de jogá-lo, aqui está: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/517446298