Friday, September 3, 2010 - 08:24
Art Type:
Made a bunch of eyeballs with various colors of iris and different shapes of pupils. They are 512x512 png files and the psd file is included in the 7zip. I left them in layers, mostly so people can adapt and tweak them more easily (veins opacity, colors of iris, making different pupils) Mostly made them for the people making textures, hoping it will save them time :)

Very nice! :)
ty :)
Still, it might be more convenient to make the pupil and iris separate. Separate blood vains would be nice too. That way you can change the color of each of these, either during the running of the game, or before, by manually editing or compositing it. The color can be added with "convert -colorize 0,100,100 to_be_colorized.png colorized_output.png". I guess that it might be more convenient for many to have the eyeballs pre-composed, but please put a little of the raw data for out there for those who wish to use them directly. (And for the pic on this website, of course.)
This is why i included the psd file (raw data) in the 7zip, so people interested can pick/mod any parts of it. Anyway i added another zip file with parts separated for the blue iris and added a desaturated one.
wow great eye. Keep up the awesome uploads!
Alright i should whine less... People could use [url=http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Basic_Batch/]gimp batch[/url] can pull it apart a little, and it is a lisp :) Looks like a scheme implementation but doesn't say specifically.. Would be neat to use in a library-like fashion, if it's good. (Which i suspect)
very nice, thank you, only matter the license, i would like to use it in my mesh, but i want to redistribute my mesh as cc-by-sa
Can i do that? or will i have some inconvenient?
Yes, you can include stuff licensed under cc-by into works licensed under cc-by-sa. Source.
I actually used these as giant eyeball enemies in my sprite-based first-person game. The credits are in-game, if you want to check it out: http://gamejolt.com/games/adventure/squam-a-dungeon-and-its-victim/37831/
I used your eyes in a small android app. Thanks for making these available. I attributed on the google play page. Let me know if you need me to change the attribution.