Facing Castle level
A quickly thrown together complete 3d level based in equal amounts on the famous "Facing Worlds" map from Unreal Tournament, and the CC0 castle clipart found here by OGA artist 'nicubunu'. One of the preview screenshots is directly from Blender, while the other is from within Unity with extra lighting effects and torches added. The entire scene is very low poly, clocking in at under 3k polygons altogether. I've included all of the generated texture files (Normal maps, displacement, occlusion, specularity) to make it look amazing, however not all of them are applied in this file because I made it to use in Unity and Unity does not use materials set up in Blender. They can be seen properly applied in the first screenshot, taken from Unity. Aside from the added torches/skybox and properly applied textures, that is exactly what you'll get.