[GhostByte Dev] shepherd dogs (32x32)
Sunday, August 27, 2023 - 13:28
Art Type:
Here is a small pack that I created for a game that I called Shepherd dogs.
The pack contains two animated dogs as best I could (I'm not good at animation, or even drawing, but we'll deal with it.), sheep, grass and fence tiles.
All the graphic pack was realized in 32*32 pixels and does not contain any sounds.
You are free to use it as you see fit but please take a moment to credit me if you make any edits to it.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
You are free to use it as you see fit but please take a moment to credit me if you make any edits to it.
ghostbyte_devshephred_dogs_32x32.zip 4.6 Kb [34 download(s)]