golf Game V2
Thursday, April 30, 2020 - 14:32
Art Type:
Updated! random golf items
added character, reorganized, clubs added and reworked to be more usable
character from here:
tileset base from here:
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
none needed but original tiles came from here

Nice :)
Adorable! This is a great top down set period. Makes me want to make some kind hybrid Zelda-Golf game!
thanks for sharing!
I agree! Reminds me of the Game Boy Color days! Excellent work!
Right? I never considered making a golf game before today, but these are inspiring.
I'm not sure if that is compatible license wise. It's basically just freeware.
Source material seems entirely compatible with CC0.
Just too worn everyone, I'm a grumpy old man when it comes to license's
I don't really understand them and in my mind, a lot of assets online, even for sale are based on other people's work or reskinned sprites.
I would say that I couldn't care less if you think my work is good or bad (bad is better, cause it gives me the stuff to work on and improve) but if you're worried about the license then don't use it for your project.
Currently, my work is made up of, and built upon CC0 sprites I find on the internet and my own doodles... The sprites I use are marked as CC0 (I cannot check this, so I add the link for you to decide)
And just to add that my own doodles are getting better every day and pretty soon my uploads will be entirely made from my own work... all artists do this... to copy other people's work is to learn how to do and once you know how to do you can do it yourself.
Understood. I'm a grumpy old hag when it comes to licenses as well, but perhaps in the opposite direction. I insist the licenses are 100% verified and in the clear. If you're not SURE the content you borrow from to make your art is free and open, it is not acceptable to say "use at your own risk, I don't know if you'll get in trouble". Verify it BEFORE sharing it. If you can't verify it, don't share it here. Obviously we want you all to share artwork here, but not if you're not sure what license the source material is.
True, all artists may copy art, but no artists may do it here unless they are sure the stuff they copy is CC0 as well. In this case, the sources seem fine. Nothing needs to change here, but if I understand your stance correctly, moving forward, please be sure YOU are sure about the sources before sharing. I'm not trying to piss anyone off or insult the work done, but this is to protect everyone, including you the artist;
Imagine you're me. I share free art, but I also have premium art that I sell separately, or some art that is not freely licensed because I want it to be exclusive to my customers' games. Imagine another artist borrowed that premium/exclusive work and made derivatives, shared them here and said "free! but I didn't bother to understand the license on the stuff I borrowed, so decide for your self. The person I borrowed from has other free stuff so it should be fine. No need to credit me... or her."
How would you feel about that? I could request the other artists derivatives of my art be taken down, of course, but thousands of people had already downloaded it and used it in their game, assuming the licensing was free and ok to use. My customers are now furious because the art that was supposed to be exclusive is all over the internet, steam, itch, etc and there's not really anything I can do to stop it. the content has already spread.
It is important to verify licenses BEFORE sharing the art. If you're not sure, just ask. We're happy to help verify things. :)
Totally understood, I will replace the tiles and character and will re-upload this later tonight.
no future work will contain other people's assets CC0 or otherwise.
It doesn't seem like there is total understanding here, actually. Like I said, this submission is fine and doesn't need editing; the sources are CC0. You don't need to avoid using other people's assets when they're CC0. using CC0 assets in your own work is not only fine, it's encouraged. There is no need to stop using CC0 stuff.
I was only saying beware the attitude of "I don't understand licenses, so decide for yourself if you should use this"
Yes, I understand, the decision is a personal one, not a reaction to the above.
I want to get better and don't want to post work that contains other's work anymore.
I need to push myself to get better and work on the areas I'm not as good at. Using other's work in my final pieces goes against this.
No problems here, thanks for the concern.
Ok, cool. Thanks again for sharing this and your other works. Looking forward to seeing your new stuff as well. :)