Grunt 2
Monday, May 9, 2011 - 19:38
Art Type:

A second grunt sound.
The preview adds several seconds to the sound clip, but the actual file is less than a second long.

A second grunt sound.
The preview adds several seconds to the sound clip, but the actual file is less than a second long.
Is there a reason why you left alot of silence before and after a sound? if you could on the sounds just get rid of all silence of the sound and make the clip as short as the sound. its just convienient for coders or game devs who arent very audio savvy and dont have a program to trim it or so on. Its cool to have maybe 300ms after or something to kind of add a silent release but before the track there shouldnt be an at all so the sound plays just like that, you really dont need the extra 5 seconds at the end. Do you mind if you trimmed those out and uploaded it again?
Sure, I will do that.
thank you sir