Here comes a new challenger!
Just a quick heads up, guys. Lamoot has risen to the top of the submissions list for the last 30 days, with 65 submissions at the time of this blog post, and is leaving the rest of us in the dust. Can anyone overtake him, or are we all going to be completely pwned for the next 4 weeks? Better get started if we're gonna catch him. :)
P.S. Keep it up, Lamoot! Not trying to stop you, just trying to take advantage of peoples' competitive urges and whip them all into an art submitting frenzy. Whoops, did I say that out loud? :)
- bart's blog
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Quality not quantity ;)
He is cheating a bit by uploading Sintel and Apricot assets though. Nice stuff never the less... and his personal stuff is also very good.
Nothing wrong with uploading existing content. There's more than enough out there so that everyone can get in on the action. :)
That being said, it may be interesting to have a separate counter for content that you yourself authored, since it takes longer to do that. Something to think about for 2.0, perhaps.
:) thanks for the mention in the blog. Julius is right, it is a bit of "cheating" since I'm uploading assets that are already made, not to mention all the sound files where each file is a separate entry, the submission number grows very fast this way. But I feel it's important to expose these files that otherwise wouldn't be as easily available to random wanderers and open source cowboys not aware of the gold mine Blender open project DVDs are.
There's still useful stuff I keep finding on them, just have to make my mind in what form to upload them and whether low-poly versions are needed. Oh, it never stops, but at least I'm done with uploading the sounds.
A separate counter would be more fair, yes, with separate medals. You could get a bronze scavenger, silver scavenger and gold scavenger medal. depending on how many open source assets you managed to loot :)
Its not even the fact they he did post double digits of some other projects stuff. Its also that he didnt spend the time categorizing some of it. instead he posted it individually. I still know a lot of people that actually wouldnt want to use sounds that are in a fully completed open source game. it takes the fun of searching and getting a sound for themselves. Plus, It kills us sounds guys.
Because for art maybe you want an alien with 40 eyes but every single open source art has 2 eyes so he has to make his own alien. With sounds guys its more specifically demanding unless its wanted. A sheep sound is a sheep sound I cant really do anything with it because a sheep sounds like a sheep. Unless I want to make like a evil sheep sound but that wont have a very high demand for it. If you encorage what he did you will have people downloading open source games and just draggin and dropping the sounds and art into this website. Then you might confuse someone and someone might even upload open source content for a weekly challenge and thats even worse.
Well... regarding the upload of non-personal stuff. I do it quite regulary too, but then I log out and post it as anonymous. But it's good to have the blender stuff here on OGA. Blender swap ( ) is a pretty good source too ;)
I like that eyeball is under musical instruments.
Brandon75689, how would you organize and label the sounds? My main goal was to upload them and give them proper attribution, but didn't think much about (re)naming them or organizing them into groups or labels or whatnot. With around 70 sounds, it was a tedious task as it is (it's always easier to upload and pimp one's own work :)
If there's a proper proposal I can help realize it, otherwise don't expect much from me because my main field is graphics and I have no experience organizing sound files, nor an idea how is it expected to be done.
Well I was just saying that you could instead of posting 80 audio files. post about 10-12 files of audio. Like the most recent audio you posted it could of been like body interactions sounds. because you have punch,kick,jump,stop,fly,interact,shoot, and throw. You could of all put those in one one preview by just lining up each sound next to the other one and compressing it into one file. And then either A. Put all files in a compress folder or B. upload each one individually in the same content upload.
Like I did here,
Made me think of this for some reason: (last panel).
i would be the first too if i would spam my submissions by uploading 1 sound, drawing, model etc. per submission... Anyways good stuff Lamoot just please don't spam them, it takes longer to browse all of the art with low internet, make groups of them or something. Good luck!
I feel it's easier to browse and handle the sounds if you have one sound per entry so I uploaded them as such. The page seems suited for this as well. By combining multiple sounds into a single sound file it creates extra work for me and then additional work for whoever wants to use the files and needs to cut them apart. From a causal audio user's perspective it looks only like extra work and inconvenience. In any case what's done is done. Unless someone is enough bothered by the way I handled these files to organize them themselves, things will stay the as they are. I've only so much time and energy to dedicate to OGA.
Lamoot is correct... this is something that I need to fix for the upcoming version of OGA (that is, allowing people to preview sounds in archives separately). Also, in his defense, I've submitted quite a lot of audio files individually myself, for precisely this reason.