High-poly AK-47
Sunday, November 14, 2010 - 04:46
Art Type:
With so many games and mods having AK-47s, and most probably being modelled from scratch each and every time, it might be useful to simply have a completelly free model available.

Thats pretty tight :P Got the CSS thing going on.
Very nice... I guess it's one of the best and probably most usefull pices of art here on OGA ;)
I'm not a fan of modern weapons, but your AK47 is definetly awesome. Great job !
As perfect as it is, but i wonder if someone ever brought this monster of ~150k polygons down to a reasonable polycount. Some time ago i found this and was happy to not have to model a weapon on my own, but I failed at lowering it and ended up modeling one from scratch again.
This seems like a pretty decent model. I wonder if they'll make any more like it...