HQ Complete sprite set for a light-based enemy
Sunday, July 13, 2014 - 08:07
Art Type:
- 3D - Characters - A
- AK: 2D Artworks
- Art for a Diablo-like RPG
- Art With (Open) Character
- Halloween Game
- Interesting assets - characters
- Iso-RPG-Concept
- Knight's Vendetta
- Platformer/Sidescroller Characters and Enemies
- reverie lost
- Side Scrolling Character Art Collection
- Sprites
- Stylized RPG Assets
- Top Down 2D Isometric 32x32 Character Art Collection
- w
- Zijper - Sprites
Extremely high quality sprite set for a light-based enemy we call an arclight were purchased from Jove at Narcissistic Studios. Jove also did the logo for the game as well as other enemy sprites and tiles.
Animations included (277 files in the .zip):
Separate projectile
This will be used in our upcoming game: Conscientia.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Jove from Narcissistic Studios

Dude, this is gorgeous, I'd love to see more.
Go to the Narcissistic Studios website to see Jove's portfolio. He's got some great stuff. We'll also be posting one or two more enemies we commissioned him to do in the future. Anyone wanting really HQ stuff should definitely consider Jove for their project.
I checked his portfolio. This work and his others are absolutely phenomenal. If anything, the only downside to this piece of work is that it's so good and so unique that it would stand out against other works that weren't similarly done.
I assume you commissioned him? If so, could you message me the rate he went by? Not something I would ever hold him by or consider a rule, but I'm new to development and would have to commission art from others, so I'm curious how much an asset like this would cost.
I did commission this work. Unfortunately, rates are decided on a case by case basis, so you have to ask him for a quote on your project. We described the scale and number of assets we would need and he told us how much he would charge. That's how it went down. He didn't say that he had an hourly rate or project rate; he just quoted us for the project.
Thanks, that is so cool !!!
than you for the asset, I use it in my game project and credited you: https://tchevin.itch.io/mhas
(nb: the asset is in the game, but I have not yet created the area where she will be used :D )