Inventory UI
Thursday, December 12, 2013 - 19:25
Art Type:
This is my first work I upload here, I wanted you guys to check it out and if you could give me some tiups ill be ever so gratefull :).
This work is still in progress.
Font: Dark Ages (downloaded from internet) not of my property
Warrior Image used not of my property, credits to whoever owns this image.

Uhhm, sorry but that is already pretty much perfect ;)
You need to think about how to make it scale-able though, e.g. for window resizing and also for different screen resolutions.
Edit: you seem to be license confused, either CC-by-SA or CC0 makes sense, not both ;)
Oh and did you draw that character also, or where is that from? The Font you used might be unfree too.
Excellent work! :)
Quick question: Did you mean to pick both cc-by-sa and cc0?
cc0 allows anyone to use it for any reason without crediting you, so there's no need to release it under any licenses in addition to that one.
Thank you guys for the response.
I read about the liscense, sorry if I make mistakes Im really new to this forum, Ill edit the post and put the credits to the font and the image of the warrior since theyre not mine, I downloaded both from the internet.
Thanks for the compliments, it helps me to keep on going :).
A hug from Argentina.
Easy mistake to make, don't worry about it. :)
You may not be able to use that warrior image depending on the license. In any case, it might be better just to leave that area blank so that people can fill it in with whatever character image is appropriate for their game.
The font may have the same issue, but I'm not sure (font copyrights and licensing are kind of weird). Here's a safe place to get fonts that are definitely always okay to use: The Open Font Library.
For now I've disabled downloading of the file until we can sort this out.
Anyway, sorry about all this. Copyright and licensing can be confusing sometimes, and I definitely don't want you to feel discouraged about it. If you have any questions about this stuff, let me know. Also, people on IRC and the forums can help too.
I'm no graphics guy, but it looks pretty easy to make scalable to me. Just break out the sides and corners, no?
<removed license question, I see bart's response now>
I want to take a second to thank the people who favored my work, I've always doubted my ability, but I guess some people like it :), so nothing thank you guys, and I'll be uploading some new work soon.
I want to thank the admin for his patience too hahahah.
A hug from argentina.
Fantastic UI. I'd love to have an UI like this in Open Dungeons, if you have some spare time... ;)
Here's our latest blog post:
When will be the download available?
I'd love to have that one too :)
When i will download this masterpiece?
I want to use this in my game :)
I'm moving this to the new submissions queue because the flag on the licensing issue was never removed.
It's a great interface, but two things:
As far as I understand, scalable fonts are covered by copyright because they’re considered programs for the copyright law. The text you type with a font is considered an output of that program and hence shouldn’t be covered by copyright.
I’m not 100% sure and not a lawyer, but at least Wikipedia allows to use the images in some font and ignore the font’s original copyright, see this file as an example:
Fonts can't be copyrighted in the U.S. This has been established for more than 200 years. But font files are programs, and those programs are copyrighted.
I don't know about any other coountry's copyright system.
Well at least France and Germany have adopted a DMCA compatible law afaik so that if it is not allowed in the US, it is not allowed in Western EU countries imho. But I am no lawyer either.
The picture is infringing copyright anyway, just look at the priest. He depicts a copyrighted character from a very popular fantasy sci-fi table top wargame that made it into a MMO...
If you'd like a bit of a critique ...
You might try a different typeface, only because that one is used a lot. I like the typeface, but I see it everywhere these days.
The color palette is good, monochromatic but rich. I like the texture in the background. You could try a simple repeating pattern in larger spaces in the borders, such as behind the window titles. I'm thinking something as simple as a diagonal dot pattern, very subtle, barely visible, just to eliminate the flatness.
I'd like to question the red elements. The color is great but I want to know what the purpose of them is. They are very prominent and I'd like them to be functional. I surmise that the red square is a close box, I suggest that making that red is more than is needed and that a simple X would be more recognizable. And when you design interactive elements, like close boxes, keep in mind that they will need at least two states: up and down. Also consider an inactive state and possibly a rollover state. You never know what states someone might need, but up, down and inactive are fairly standard, and it's good practice and a good habit to get into.
If you feel that the windows need more color, don't worry. Leave that to the contents, ie the icons, that will be displayed in the windows. A good gui is there to support the user, not to gain glory for itself.
I'm intriqued by the multiple layers you've designed into the border patterns. The corner elements support the visual theme and look great when stacked together. And, because they are visually stronger than the border patterns that lie under them, they will support and hold the border together regardless of what pattern is placed under them, or if there is no under pattern at all.
An exercise, if you like; imagine the windows can be resized freely and that the corner pieces will always stick to the corners of the windows. Can you design an under pattern that repeats and aways fills the sides of the window regardless of how large or small the window is? The criteria for the under pattern is that it has to look good no matter how long or short it is. In this instance "looking good" means that it doesn't draw attention to itself.
How can the license be used if no one knows where the image or the font came from?
Font: Dark Ages (downloaded from internet) not of my property
Warrior Image used not of my property, credits to whoever owns this image.
That does not give me enough info to go on and I can't edit the orginal file to remove them. No gimp, photoshop, or any other file to edit.
I edited out the stuff. Not perfect, but I think it will do. No credit needed.
I feel like this still has a licensing issue. If I understood correctly, the submitter said he would remove the warrior image of unknown origin. But nothing happened.
Yeah, I'm not sure why the flag was removed if nothing was done about the components in question. Used Zuxal's version until Wyrmheart can respond.