Jojo Jambo, free Sprite pack
Free Asset pack.
Its my birthday, give me a gift, share this ;)
Can download it on
James John Jambo Jungle Sprite Pack.
(free version)
I'll be making some graphics and gamemaker source code to help you getting started in gamedev so stay tuned, premium packs are coming with a lot more(code, graphics and audio).
Try this free pack and tell me if I'm generous or miser, cute but violent, tiny but explosive, I made it with a lot of effort and dedication.
Don't forget to play the demo(soon) and see what can be done with it.
This is a tiny pixelart tileset,
- 8x8 tiles: grass, dirt and wood bridge.
- Player character fully animated, Jambo has Shooting, Running, Jumping, Firing while running and prone.
- One Enemy firing, running and crouch.
- One Turret à la Contra.
- A Hut, Barrels, crates and other props.
- UI lives, weapons type icon.
- 3 Backgrounds paralaxe, clouds, trees.
All animations are in sperate spritesheet png and gif files
Follow, RT, comment, let me know what do you think, more updates soon

very cool! reminds me of Contra
Heeeey thats pretty good!
hey thank you! glad you like it!
Updates v2.0! explosion, player and enemy death!
Hey guise, making working on updates! Should I create another post with the new files here? Soon I'll put them on my
I wrote a post about it:
pack updated today, can aim/shoot in diagonals up and down, hangging and more little bg tiles.