Saturday, September 19, 2015 - 16:48
Art Type:
Blend file has model and textures packed.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
I'd appreciate if you let me know you are using this in a real project.

is this beauty rigged?
This one isn't
alrighty, very amazing model though, looks easy to rig also.
Hi there,
just wanted to let you know that I'm using this awesome model in one of my programming examples for the new Vulkan graphics API.
Details can be found here :
It's for an example about deferred shading :
Thanks for letting me know. That tutorial looks really good by the way.
Hey would it be possible to get permission to use this in a game im planning on developing?(id give full credit) Im no artist. i cant draw or afford decent software to make characters i got a couple buddys that can draw logos but as for characters im im completly in the dark. and could i maybe use my own original logos on them?(again id give you full credit for it)
also it looks amazing
Yes, you can use it
Thanks. this will be perfect. I know its posted and all but im not gonna just use someone elses work withoust asking.
Good job! Will probably use this as a decoration for a new combat location for Ancient Beast.
Hi :) I just want to let you know that I use your knight model in my new mod, Model is really cool :)
Looks great
That is some epic armor!