Locker GLSL
Wednesday, December 23, 2009 - 08:03
Art Type:
A GLSL Locker.
Only uses 14 faces, 1024x1024 Diffuse and Specular, 512x512 Normalmap.
Requires GLSL.
Make sure, when you use this model, that it will also be used in Cyclon and possibly in other projects, and that this model may be used in other projects, but please contact me in any way if you use it, so that I know you use my model.
Posted under an CC SA-BY licens.
Enjoy! :D

Very nice!
Excellent work
That's a very nice model, but I thought you should know that if you don't want your model used in commercial (paid for) games, you've used the wrong licence.
CC-BY-SA 3.0 ( )
This is the licence your using, which allows commercial use, so long as any modifications to your work are also released under the same licence. What I think you actually want is:
This licence is the same as the above, but it forbids the sale of software with your artwork in it. Unfortunately, you don't have the option to submit work to with this licence. I recommend you contact the site owner to work something out.
I didn't even notice that...
You're welcome to *request* that people not use your work in commercial software, but we don't accept noncommercial requirements here, because that renders it incompatible with most Open Source software. At this point, we have the following options:
* Re-word your description and say that you'd *prefer* that people not use the work in commercial software, as opposed to requiring that.
* Take the work down.
In general, it's somewhat shaky ground for a non-open-source project to make use of CC-BY-SA or GPLed works, as they have to provide a very clear separation between the game engine (which might be closed source) and the art assets (which might be open source). Hence, the chances of your work being used in an exploitative way by a commercial developer is very low, because generally if they're not interested in open source, they'll leave it alone.
Anyway, I'll check back here in a day or so. Please let me know what you'd like to do. If we don't get a clarification soon, I'm going to have to de-publish this work.
Thank your for your comments
"and may not be selled"
Yea, English is not my native language.
However, I changed the description.
Everything looks good now. Sorry for the trouble. :)
Nice specular map.