Low Poly Knight
Sunday, January 7, 2018 - 09:12
Art Type:
This is a .blend file of a low poly knight.
I made him because the rasping of some old man who has taken to babbling in the back of my mind demanded it of me.
I've nothing to use him in currently, as the games that I've taken to making are all 2D and wouldn't portray his features well enough.
So here you go! He's yours :D
If you come up with some clever way to use him, I'd love it if you were to let me know!

Wow!, I Like Your Knight.
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Thanks! I just thought that if I can't use him, someone ought to be able to :D
Thanks for your Knight! , Nice Job.
Nice model, simply but good!
i can use this in a future commercial project ?
Sorry for the late reply, but of course you can! It's CC0, so it's public domain, just like really old music that's not protected by copyrights anymore.
Enjoy! I'd love a link to your project when you finish it, but it's okay if you forget :D