[LPC] Backpacks
Tuesday, February 26, 2019 - 15:50
Art Type:
Two styles of backpacks, and a jetpack (with optional fins) for the male and female LPC bases. The female backpack was commisioned by macmanmatty.
The jetpack and fins have 3 color variations and use the palette from Nila122's Roman Armor. The backpacks and backpack straps use ElizaWy's clothing palette, and come in 20 colors.
For best results the pack should be on a layer above the straps, and the fins should be on a layer above the jetpack. The straps were designed to fit the shoulders of the male and female LPC bases, and won't work well over clothing items that extend beyond that outline.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Backpacks, backpack straps, and jetpack by Benjamin K. Smith. Female Backpack commissioned by macmanmatty.

They're beautiful. I love them.
Cool !! thanks for uploading it ;)
This also needs to be added to the generator! Will do that soon:) very cool stuff!
Thanks, castelonia! I was going to ask you to add it, but kept forgetting!
In the last picture, the female at the bottom right shoots TWO arrows. Isnt she supossed to only fire one?
There are a few frames at the end of the shoot animation that are meant for drawing another arrow from a hip quiver. They were designed to loop with the shooting animation so multiple arrows could be fired without lowering the bow. I just didn't use the quiver in the preview image.