LPC Dark Elves
Friday, December 6, 2013 - 04:48
Art Type:
- 01. Pixel Art - Characters
- 07. Pixel Art - LPC Character Additions
- 2D Sci-Fi RPG Sprites
- 2D::Sprite::Orthogonal
- 8 Frame Walk Cycles
- Credits
- Discontinuum
- Epic Pixelart RPG
- hero game
- Into the Aether
- Liberated Pixel Cup
- LPC Character Collection
- LPC Characters
- LPC Collection
- LPC For Humanoid Characters
- LPC Game assets
- Orcish Adventure!
- Potential HTML5 RPG Assets
- RobRPG
- RPG Characters
- RPG Stuff Collection
- Test
- Top Down 2D JRPG 32x32 Characters Art Collection
Simple recolor of LPC characters, both female and male, and elven ears.
Attribution Instructions:
Walkcycle, Hurt, Slash, and Spellcast animations by Stephen Challener (AKA Redshrike),
Shooting and Thrusting animations by Johannes Sjölund,
Ears by Makrohn and David Conway Jr. (AKA Jaidyn Reiman) for cleaning up the ears

I really like the color scheme and you've done a good job with the ears. It is a simple but useful asset.
On a bookkeeping note, though, under the CC-By-SA license you do need to include the names of the other artists whose work is incorporated here, since if it's used credit would have to be given to everyone whose work is included. This is less a matter of it being an issue for the other artists (we're all pretty familiar with the assets here, after all) and more one of making it easy for the game developer who wants to use them to be in full compliance with the license.
Please note this goes under GPL2 and GPL3 licenses as well as derivative works.
Also, please submit to https://github.com/jrconway3/Universal-LPC-spritesheet.
Oh, wow, that's convenient. Yeah, when I get the chance I'll add them up to Universal LPC Spritesheet. I'll look into doing it this weekend. I had planned to do dark elf recolors myself eventually because I've got quite a few "dark elf" type characters.
Got it. I've added other artists and changed licence.
For the record, the additional licenses are appreciated but unneccessary from a legal standpoint. Each license is self-contained, so you can use one and ignore the requirements for the others as you choose.
Heck, the original character sheets are now also available under CC-By (though that doesn't carry over to expansions made by other artists, of course).
Redshrike, you know better than that. The CC-BY-SA and GPL licenses require that derivative works be released under the same license.
It's true that both licenses have that requirement. Both licenses give certain permissions which come with certain obligations. But those paired permissions and obligations are self contained. If an asset is multiply licensed, every license doesn't have to apply simultaneously. You are free to choose which license to use it under. So if the Nila chose to make a derivative work just under CC-By-SA, (s)he is perfectly free to do that. Of course, for maximum usability and compatibility with other LPC assets it is very important to have them all dual-licensed the same way, but it is not a legal necessity.
Ugh... why do the pointed ears keep getting marked as me? The pointed ears already existed, I just cleaned them up so they were positioned on the sprites correctly and renamed them. I'm not exactly sure who did them, though I was under the assumption Makrohn did because they were in his XCF file: https://github.com/makrohn/Universal-LPC-spritesheet
I guess you can credit me for cleaning up the ears if you want, though... I checked the Authors.txt and no one else is credited on them.
Anyway, I just posted up these updates as well as a pallete to https://github.com/jrconway3/Universal-LPC-spritesheet. Once I get the chance I'll go and recolor all the remaining skin parts. I'd have already done it but I've been having sleeping issues recently and I'm extremely tired now (I had a bad day yesterday as well, so I didn't get the opportunity to work on it then). I'll try finishing up in the morning.
EDIT: I added the other skin recolors this morning except for hair shading. So I added recolors for all the nose sprites and the big ears sprites as well. Of course, like the elven ears they were already done in the XCF sheet but I cleaned them up and did all the previous skin recolors.
Thank you.
Thank you, it saves me the trouble of having to do it later. ^_^ As I mentioned in previous comments, I have some Dark Elf-type characters, so I was going to need to do this eventually anyway.