[LPC Expanded] Sit, Run, Jump, & More
[UPDATE 3/8/2025]
Another quick update: I provided cleaned up versions of the body assets and human head assets. In addition, I included the fixed LPC Revised shoes/boots/socks, too.
This should be the last update to this release. Additional assets to expanded frames will be added in new releases instead.
[UPDATE 3/2/2025]
A lot has happened recently over at the ULPC character generator, and on top of that, I saw some comments about how some assets I have put out had a lot of stray pixels inside the sheets. I've gone through now and cleaned these up, uploading several new zip files for specific assets.
There's now zip files for shirts and pants that have all been cleaned up and split by animation frame.
Shirts had a lot more issues as well which I have addressed. On the Female Longsleeve Polo I forgot to include the sleeves somehow on the "new" frames, even though those "new" frames were the ones that had the sleeves to begin with. Funny how that works.
Well, its about time I finished this one up… I’ve spent on-and-off the past few months trying to get all these assets completed and compiled together.
I’m calling this set the “Expanded Universal LPC Spritesheet”, and it contains the addition of the new LPC 3.0 base animations (Idle, Sit, Jump, Run). Initially that’s the only thing I was trying to do. The ULPC contained these base animations, but they weren’t part of the actual spritesheet and generator itself.
After discussing with Sander Frenken, I ended up adding them to the main spritesheet. For completion sake, I opted to grab ElizaWy’s combat animations as well and include all those in, too. I didn’t change the base layout of the spritesheet and instead added these animations beyond the bounds of the main sheet. As such, all old assets still map just fine over the whole spritesheet.
Before releasing it, though, I wanted a complete set of all frames with as many assets as possible. I based most of these assets on ElizaWy’s LPC Revised assets as she had the most complete sets of run, jump, combat, etc (and they’re all in OGA-By, too). In addition, I opted to keep Eliza’s version of the run animations because, frankly, I just preferred those versions of run (I also made “Male” and “Pregnant” versions of this run). They weren’t THAT different from the original run animations, but I thought they had much smoother animations.
This set primarily contains assets from LPC Revised converted and repaletted to the ULPC palettes, but I did do many more assets over at the ULPC itself which I’ll gradually keep working on, and I may release some of these in different sets. I’m only including LPC Revised assets in this release out of consistency, and due to the fact that all of them are in OGA-By. Eventually I’ll create OGA releases for other sets of assets as well.
Here’s the current complete list of assets:
T-Shirt (Plain, V-Neck, Scoop, T-Shirt, Polo)
ElizaWy made these shirts, though they are similar to other basic shirts.
I finished redrawing the sleeves to all of the base LPC animations (cast, thrust, slash, shoot, down).
Sleeveless Shirt (Plain, V-Neck, Scoop, T-Shirt, Polo)
I cut out the sleeves on all assets to more easily redraw them, but I opted to include the sleeveless shirts as a bonus option.
Longsleeve Shirt (Plain, V-Neck, Scoop, T-Shirt, Polo)
ElizaWy made these shirts.
I finished redrawing the sleeves to all of the base LPC animations (cast, thrust, slash, shoot, down).
Shortsleeve and Longsleeve Cardigan Shirt
This shirt has a slightly different sleeve texture, so I made sure to redraw the cuffs on the sleeves for it.
The original was JUST Longsleeve, the Shortsleeve is a bonus. I didn’t see a reason to include a “Sleeveless” version here.
This was missing a lot of frames even on LPC Revised.
I mapped to all frames, made small adjustments, then cut out the arms to finish it off.
Honestly I’m not too fond of some of these animations, namely for combat. Any suggestions are welcome.
Neckwear (Bowtie)
There’s even more neckware assets mapped to other frames as well. These were also added to child assets.
Pants (Hose, Leggings, Pants, Cuffed Pants, Overalls)
I started here by finishing Overalls, which bluecarrot16 already converted to the base ULPC animations.
The only ones that were not made by either bluecarrot16 or by Eliza were Eliza’s combat animations, however, I also made “Male” because bluecarrot16 already had male for all base assets.
I merged the lightest palette color with the second-lightest palette color to keep these consistent with bluecarrot16’s that were converted previously.
The “pant” portions of Overalls were identical to Cuffed Pants. So I made the Cuffed Pants remaining assets from Overalls.
From Cuffed Pants, I made Pants, then Leggings and Hose.
I mapped these to all the missing frames, which is mostly the base LPC animations (cast, thrust, shoot, down). I also fixed the basic slash. The rest of these were already mapped.
Shorts (Short and Standard)
Eliza already made Walk, Idle, Run, Jump, Sit, and Emotes.
I mapped these to all the missing frames. For the missing frames, I used “Pants” as the base and cut off the length to keep it consistent with the other shorts.
Socks, Shoes, and Boots (Shoes, Books, Ankle/High Socks)
Ankle Socks were already mapped to Walk, Idle, Jump, Run, Sit, Emotes, Slash, and Eliza’s combat animations. High Socks, however, were missing combat animations as well.
I used the “Hose” assets to cut off the High Socks, which I tried to map to about the knees.
From High Socks I made Ankle socks.
Once I finished Socks, I finished off Boots.
Boots are just High Socks, but slightly shorter with extra shading at the top.
Similar thing with Shoes. Shoes are slightly shorter than Ankle Socks.
After I made the shoes and boots, I added a bit more length to some frames for Socks to make them look better where needed.
I redrew the Socks to ensure Ankle Socks were visible if Shoes were enabled, and High Socks were visible if Boots were enabled.
Eyewear (Glasses, Halfmoon, Eyepatch)
Just mapped these to all frames and handled cutouts, nothing too special.
Also added them to child assets.
I mapped ALL facial assets to all frames, but not all are OGA-By, so they’re not included. See the spritesheet generator for more info.
Helms (Bascinet, Chainmail, Kettle, Morion, Plumages)
Just mapped these to all frames and handled cutouts, nothing too special.
I mapped ALL helmets to all frames, but not all are OGA-By, so they’re not included. See the spritesheet generator for more info.
Heater Shield (Base, Trim, Paint, Patterns)
Mapped this to all frames with recolors.
Also “finished” the patterns for Bendy, Bendy Sinister, Lozengy. These patterns only had one frame finished. I based the new frame variants on the initial frame.
There’s two shield layouts; one shield layout is the original one by bluecarrot16, with the new frame animations added. The new shield layout is one I thought looked a bit better where I re-positioned the shield on certain animations, including putting the shield on the back for cast and shoot. Some animations still look a bit off to me, but constantly redoing the shield positioning is frustrating.
Bodies (Male, Teen, Female)
ElizaWy only supported “Masculine” and “Feminine”, Thin. I mapped “Masculine, Thin” to “Teen” and created “Male” assets for Revised Run and Emotes.
I opted not to do so for the combat animations due to the twisted motions of the body, which resembled how others handled the “Shoot” animations (the body shape is the same on the Shoot animations).
I think this is mostly due to the hand movements that cross over the head, to prevent having multiple types of cutouts.
It also was kinda laziness, as its really hard making new body sizes.
I also added “Pregnant” for all remaining frames, but I didn’t add any new assets for Child or Muscular.
“Pregnant” is not included in this set because its not OGA-By, but it is available on the ULPC (except combat animations, I never finished those).
No Skeleton or Zombie…
Heads (Male, Female, Elderly)
I mapped ALL heads to all frames as well, but not all are in OGA-By.
I also included ElizaWy’s “smaller” heads as a bonus. Originally I didn’t plan to include them. That being said, I can’t guarantee it looks good with the hair and head assets, they’re mapped to the original larger heads.
Medium Hair (Page, Curly, Idol, Bangs & Bun, Cornrows, Dreadlocks, Bob, Twists)
Short Hair (Buzz, Parted, Curly, Cowlick, Natural, Balding, Flat Top)
Some of these hairstyles were cut out to the smaller heads. Because the main LPC heads are larger, I stuck with the assets that already existed on the ULPC and just mapped them to the revised animations.
Thin and Thick Eyebrows
Mustaches (Walrus, Chevron, Handlebar, Lampshade, Horseshoe)
More mustaches were also mapped to all frames, but weren’t part of LPC Revised so I didn’t include them here.
Beards (Trimmed, Medium)
More bears were also mapped to all frames, but weren’t part of LPC Revised so I didn’t include them here.
Eyes mapped to all frames, also added to child
Large Nose mapped to all frames, also added to child
I added other nose variants to all frames as well, but not all are OGA-By.
For consistency, I do plan to gradually add new base assets as new base character models are created. That said, I won’t necessarily be mapping all assets every single time as its just too much effort. Still, this adds many assets that were missing across the other animations.
On the Universal LPC Spritesheet Generator, I added an “animations” filter as well. This will filter assets based on what animations are supported for each asset. This should make it easier to find assets that support all the newly added animations. There’s still tons of things not added yet, but I did make a lot of progress.
After this, I’ll probably go back to prioritizing making my own stuff for a while. I will continue working on existing assets if it benefits the stuff I want to make, though. And if there’s any requests I can focus on those assets, too.
Base sprites used in preview image are part of the LPC set and were not made by me.
The Universal LPC Character Generator is a great place to get a full list of sprites to use:
There’s a MASSIVE list of credits here. Please let me know if there’s any I missed. I’m pretty confident I got them all, but please let me know.

There's far more assets mapped to all these frames over at the Universal LPC Spritesheet Generator, too. As mentioned in the post, I added an "animations" filter (with help from Sander Frenken explaining how to implement it) which allows you to filter assets by which animations are supported. Simply search for anything that contains Eliza's combat animations (well, anything beyond the base set) and you can find all the assets already mapped to all frames.
Eventually I'll slowly add these to separate releases on OGA, but I wanted this one to primarily be a comprehensive list of the converted LPC Revised assets. I started from the LPC Revised assets because there were more animations to work with beyond the basic walk.
With this thing FINALLY released, I'm hoping to finish up some more of my own assets. Soon-ish I want to complete the kimono on all additional assets, but also, now that we've got shirts, pants, shorts, socks, shoes, etc., it would be ideal to get a few other things like dresses and skirts, too. That said, I'd prefer to focus on OGA-BY assets first. However, if anyone has any requests, feel free to open issues over at the ULPC and I'll prioritize what requests are made.
Nice, glad to see old projects getting completed.
Technically, its only "completed" in the sense that I have completed adding all the additional animations that were created over the years but never got much love (run, jump, sit) to the Universal LPC Spritesheet Generator and added a ton of assets which can actually be used on them now.
I also completed adding all LPC Revised character assets to all these frames. I started with that because Eliza had far more done, and I just needed to complete the basic frames (cast/thrust/shoot/down, and cleaning up the legacy slash animation).
There's still tons of assets at the ULPC missing from these frames which could eventually get added. However, I have found clothing to be the most annoying to deal with. Most of the time I spent working on "easy" assets like hair which doesn't need animation (longer hairstyles don't look good on run/combat without being animated) or static assets like hats or things related to the head in general.
I realized my wording was off. I said "a complete set of all assets". I really just meant having all frames containing the basic requirements like hair, clothing, shoes, etc.
Amazing work! I'm surprised Carry, Push, and Grab never made it in. Seeing as those are pretty common activities in any game.
Mostly because I couldn't find them, they weren't in any of the common places. Eliza didn't have them and they weren't in the repo either (in the ULPC repo, idle/sit/jump/run were in there, they just weren't in the spritesheet yet).
Plus, those assets appear to all be in CC-BY-SA 3.0. So we'd have to make the entire base body model set CC-BY-SA 3.0 as well when they're all currently OGA-BY 3.0, CC-BY 3.0, and CC-BY-SA 3.0.
Its possible push/grab/carry wouldn't be that hard to animate. Its based on the standard walk cycle, so we might be able to start from the same walk animations. However, there is a bit of a problem--the arms do move around. So that would require more effort.
Maybe there's a way I can still include them and just say Push/Carry/Grab are (for now) only CC-BY-SA 3.0 even though the rest of the assets are OGA-BY and CC-BY / CC-BY-SA.
Either way, though, I do intend on eventually adding more animations as they are available. However, I don't intend on adding new ones on a whim. I'd prefer to just drop them in when there's a good chunk available to add. Also, push/pull isn't _that_ necessary. We can just have a basic push just by walking into an object.
Ah, thanks for sharing that link. I can bookmark it. Evert is willing to support OGA-BY as long as the original assets are, but wasn't aware that they actually were.
Redshrike, Wulax, and Makrohn are among the ones who added universal OGA-BY support. We should be good there, but I'd rather wait for a response from Evert on that one assuming Evert is even still active here.
That's great news. Well, even if that dries up it is always possible to just do it from scratch. Some of the animations in the existing expanded set almost look like they could be push or carry. With a bit of tweaking. The bottom half of a walk cycle and the upper half of the other, combined with cutting the arms separately would do it which is what it looks like Evert did. Also, he had planned a female version but never got around to it, so that would have to be done as well. Unless you manage to get ahold of him and he had that already in progress. I actually started working on an xcf myself for eulpc females out of curiosity and tried to match it to Evert, was thinking about dropping it on here. Got about halfway thru last night on it. It is a lot of work! :D I'm not really a pixel artist myself, I code.
I can see your point sort of about the pushing objects, even tho it looks lame to not extend the hands out. But, carrying objects over the head at the very least has been a staple of gaming and that can't currently be done with the existing ulpc. Push and carry open up so many possibilities for gameplay.
Also, an animation for holding an object in front of the character as well would be amazing, so we can choose between carrying smaller objects in front of us and then for a larger crate an animation above the head. Also, a palms up facing out push would be nice like you're really leaning into the push with effort. Everts only does a kind of gripped on sides push.
Have my doodle under oga to help! :-D
Yeah recreating them might be an option, but I'm still hesitant to make modifications to base animations. Even though it probably wouldn't be THAT hard to do.
Also, I double-checked. The Grab animation is by Daneeklu. To my knowledge Daneeklu is not one of the users who has added support for OGA-BY, so that's a problem in using Grab.
Another consideration I had as well: it might be better to recreate these anyway. The only one that might be viable to keep on its own is Carry. The reason I'm bringing this up is because the legs could be a problem--the walk frame for a push, ideally, should have the push ACTUALLY pushing the legs back along the ground. Now, its possible Evert's animations did do this, I still have to download and check the whole sheet.
"Also, an animation for holding an object in front of the character as well would be amazing, so we can choose between carrying smaller objects in front of us and then for a larger crate an animation above the head. Also, a palms up facing out push would be nice like you're really leaning into the push with effort. Everts only does a kind of gripped on sides push."
That sounds pretty similar to how thrust might look or slash. Just tweak the arms in those positions a bit and add the walk frames. That would probably be fairly easy to do honestly.
"I'm not really a pixel artist myself, I code."
Same lol! I've always been more of a coder than an artist.
Well, I guess I can call myself a pixel artist now, but I'm still a bit of an amateur. Its not like I've been doing pixel art for 15 years or anything. Its more like I dabbled in it a bit 11-15 years ago, and occasionally came back here and there to do more stuff.
I'd have to argue I didn't REALLY get into a lot more pixel art until this past year again. I think my stuff now is a huge improvement but I still have to work from a base. That's why I came back to LPC in the first place.
And yeah, carrying objects on top of the head is a common thing. Its not like... as common as you might think, but it is somewhat common.
However, that's actually really easy to do anyway. The only real issue is cleaning up the base walk frames where you cut the arms out and flip them to being above the head. More difficult, I think, is having a "pick up" and "put down" animation. That IMO is far more interesting (and harder).
Finally had a chance to look at this.
Personally, I don't like the push/pull very much. Should be noted, the pull animation is just identical to push in this case.
When pushing/pulling, the legs should be bent in a different directions to make it look more realistic. I get that it doesn't have to be that realistic or anything, but thsi is a pretty simplistic one. Perhaps it'd be better to redraw it.
A "push" I would think would have the character leaning toward the object, while a pull actually "pulls" back.
Using the emotes third frame as a base is what I'm looking at for pull here--have the model lean back, arms stretched out front, as the legs are moving as well.
Push could be derived from Eliza's combat animation as its leaning forward.
I can't think of anything useful for carry other than "we need an actual lift animation, too". Carry would be fine on its own.
EDIT: Here's the card I opened on the ULPC for this:
I probably won't work on this any time soon, but I have my eye on it.
Found some more:
I can skim through these, but I suspect most of these are already covered. There may be some fringe cases, though.
One big example:
Most of these assets have existed on the ULPC for a long time:
However, I am well aware that Pennomi's Sunglasses, Nerd Glasses, Secretary Glasses, 5 o'clock shadow, and french mustache never made it to the ULPC.
I have already added these assets in these two releases:
I never did the crying tears because I'm really not sure how that would be of much help. ElizaWy has tons of such facial expressions, too, but I'm not sure how that would work. Perhaps we could just add them as its own layer in the ULPC? I'm very mixed on that one. I feel like these are better to be manual additions, but admittedly, if they're not added anywhere they may get forgotten. So if you have any ideas on how to add them in, let me know.
As for the rest, again, I assume MOST of these assets are already present. Howeve, I can skim through them and see if there's anything that never got added before.
These are not LPC. They could be converted to LPC, Bluecarrot16 has done a lot of work like this. However, its not necessarily an easy thing to do and I can't guarantee I'd do a good job at it at this time. It sounds intriguing, but the sprites are significantly smaller. I think the best thing to do would be to try and recreate them in LPC rather than try and adapt them.
These could be promising. Other than the hair in Heroine 1 I don't recognize most of these assets from the ULPC. Actually, I think I might see a few things. The shoes and gloves are very similar to ones we already have. We also have a wristband that might be the same one.
Weapons and armor we definitely have. Any character-based assets by bluecarrot16 are already present in ULPC, they're just not in the expanded sheets yet. It takes a lot of work to get these assets out, this particular release was just focused on LPC Revised assets. I'm still working on adding things like Armor for example. Weapons I haven't even looked into yet because I'm not sure how to make the updated slash animations for Eliza's animations yet.
Also, helmets are FULLY done and can be found here:
These are already fully done here:
Armor is something I'm working on at this time:
I already have 2 armor pieces done at the ULPC (Plate and Legion Body). I'm thinking what I might do is finish the other related elements of those armor pieces (Plate and Legion Pauldrons/Arms/Legs/Skirts) and release those first before moving on to other pieces.
I haven't prioritized muscular yet because there's a TON of missing frames and its not OGA-BY either. To create the remaining frames, I have concerns with how to implement the shading on the muscles myself. Eventually I'll get to it, but I'm not fully invested in this one just yet. Plus, if I do release this and Pregnant, they'll be a separate release. For Muscular's run cycle, that is present, but I need to update it.
When comparing the old run cycle with Eliza's version of the run cycle, I thought Eliza's version looked better, so I used that as the ULPC's official run cycle anyway. Muscular's Run Cycle as you can see here has the head in the wrong position, because I haven't yet updated it to the correct animations:
Pregnant is fully done except for Revised Combat, I just never got around to doing it. However, I still don't have any assets added for Pregnant yet, though. I was considering making the Kimono have a pregnant version.
The only thing useful I can see in here is the "vehicle ride" animation, and honestly, I'm not sure where I would even put it. There aren't any other character-related assets I can see in here. And getting out that character ride animation may be troublesome unless the XCF has it.
There's a single frame each for the three rock-paper-scissors animations. It could be fun to add these in here, my biggest concern is the fact that we'd have to mix-and-match licenses on the same layer. I don't really like that.
This one I literally just found a few days ago. I already opened an issue on the ULPC to research how to add diagonals, but it is VERY low priority. The Foreman also asked me if I was adding diagonals, but I'm really not sure how to effectively do that at this time.
The biggest issue right now is that clothing and other body assets just take so much more work. As such, my priority in regarding these are OGA-BY licensed assets, those are the assets I want to use most, so I'd prefer to focus on those first and foremost. I'm not against doing other assets, but those are my personal preferences.
Since the topic of adding additional animations has come up here (and since Jaidyn has done the heroic work of adapting many assets to Eliza's additional animations), I'll just share some thoughts: several of us (Evert, BenCreating, castelonia/Herodom, pvigier, and myself) discussed and examined the available assets extensively a few years ago, culminating in this submission https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-character-bases which standardized a bunch of minor inconsistencies between the bases and subsequently this submission https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-clothing-updates which updated all the existing clothing to match.
The basic problem is that re-drawing assets for the moving legs, hands, and torso is extremely labor-intensive, so the more animations you add, the more of a pain it is to create new assets which use them. For the most part, heads, hair, hats, etc. can be placed automatically using lpctools or similar means. In frames where the torso doesn't move much (or the asset doesn't need to move much), you can auto-place other types of assets: I did this with belts and neckwear here https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-pirates and with the "Santa" jacket trim here https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-santa .
The reason that Evert and I created the v3 run animation in this submission https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-character-bases was to minimize the amount of movement of the torso, so that more assets could be auto-placed. By contrast, Eliza's run (which undoubtedly looks nice!) has a ton of movement in the torso, so torso assets are likely to require substantial re-drawing. Ditto for her combat animations. To be fair, assets for our alternative run animation haven't really materialized either, whereas Eliza did draw a number of basic clothing items for those animations. For my part, I will not be drawing any new torso assets for the LPC Revised run or combat animations (unless someone commissions me, and it will be an expensive commission because it's lots of work! :p). I am also somewhat opposed to adding new animations which move the legs differently (and thus require drawing new pants, etc.) for the same reason. I'd also vote against adding the diagonal animations to the spritesheet generator, because frankly there is zero chance of adapting the existing assets to them.
If anything, I would prefer that new frames be added with some consideration for how they can be remixed with existing frames. For instance, the push/carry frames are meant to use the same legs as walk. I have experimented here https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-hand-tools and here https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-extended-weapon-animations with repurposing existing frames to assemble new animations. I think the results are pretty nice and at least demonstrate the principle that we could do more with less.
Regarding the facial expressions, I also struggled to figure out how they would fit into the framework of the generator/universal spritesheet. One possibility I considered was adding an extra set of "idle" frames to the spritesheet without a face/head; then an expression could be placed in that slot in-engine. An alternative would be to have an entire row of idle frames to accommodate various expressions, but that would require figuring out what order to put them in... I ended up giving up and ignoring it as out-of-scope :p
https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-heroine and
I re-drew this hair and added to the generator in my hair mega-pack https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-hair . I didn't extract or re-draw any of the other layers.
I think essentially everything else on that list is either not really compatible (e.g. the cabbit assets are a different resolution and size), is already incorporated (e.g. my submissions), or would require some consideration on how to properly incorporate (e.g. caeles'). You can do a ctrl-F for a given URL in the generator's CREDITS.csv to see if that submission has been added.
Thanks for providing that commentary bluecarrot!
Yeah, the run animation is complicated, I can't deny. Originally I didn't plan on adding Eliza's combat animations either, but she already had done a lot of work there. That and the run animation clothing sets is the main reason why I implemented those frames instead of the original ones. I haven't even actually started to implement many new assets on these frames yet.
I did bring it up with Sanderfrenken about which versions to go with, but not many people are addressing this at this time it would seem. I haven't seen much activity around here. The main reason I started this is because I had already started adding my own assets to the other frames, but they weren't part of the whole sheet. And I decided that if I was going to expand to the whole sheet, I might as well add everything I can find all at once, instead of waiting to add some things. (Again, the reason push/grab/carry didn't make it is because they weren't in the common places.)
And yeah, I didn't think diagonals would be a good idea either. I wasn't sure if there was any real viable way to implement them. Its just way too much work.
If the preference is to stick with the simpler push/pull, I can look into that one. I'll ask Sanderfrenken as well about it. Evert already said that he'd support those going into OGA-BY, the only real issue is reusing Daneeklu's grab animation. There's plenty of nice looking "hand grab" frames on other existing base frames we can reuse instead.
"culminating in this submission https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-character-bases which standardized a bunch of minor inconsistencies between the bases and subsequently this submission https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-clothing-updates which updated all the existing clothing to match."
I kinda want to bring this up. These lpc-character-bases, when I came back around here again, REALLY got lost in the shuffle. Its not easy to find it anymore. I did find it once, then I lost it again. Usually you find the original base assets when trying to do a search, or you find just a ton of general LPC stuff. Plus, it doesn't say "v3 character basis" in the release name either. Its just lpc-character-bases, which gets confusing because there's multiple versions of LPC character bases.
All of the non-ULPC bases did already exist in the codebase for the ULPC, though. That's also why there was a card there addressing this (https://github.com/sanderfrenken/Universal-LPC-Spritesheet-Character-Gen...). So that's where I started from. That said, as you did address and I did as well, the main reason I went with Eliza's run is, well, not only did it look better, but she already had assets designed for it while the others really didn't. Plus, I noticed the leg positions weren't that different from the original run animations anyway, it was moreso the body that changed here.
What I didn't consider when doing this, though, was the "ease of use" in implementing the assets. To me, it didn't look that much harder to do this run animation or the other one. Regardless of which run animation was used, both were still fairly complicated and intimidating. I guess the V3 bases version is a bit less mostly because the body shape doesn't change as much, but in that version, the head moves more (I guess the head isn't as important though).
I get where you're coming from now, but at the time, I wasn't seeing much of a difference between the two of them.
But yeah, its perfectly understand you don't want to add much to these assets. I don't blame you for that at all. I spoke with Sanderfrenken as well to ensure we added some clarifications that anyone adding custom assets doesn't have to feel obligated to add all frames all at once, just add what you're comfortable doing.
I will try and get you those head offsets at least, though. That will at least ensure we can easily add new head assets to these frames even if the body assets will take longer.
Okay, I added cleaned up assets for shirts, pants, shoes/boots, socks, heads, and bodies now. I went through all these assets and made sure they didn't have any garbage pixels in them in between frames as well as found areas where the colors weren't properly converted, resulting in extra colors being used when they should not have been. This happened due to forgetting to replace certain palette colors from LPC Revised.