[LPC] Helmets
NOTE: The helmets in this submission are all contained within a larger submission here: https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-helmets-mega-pack . If you want all availalable LPC helmets, download the mega-pack instead.
This submission is only maintained for the purpose of tracking credits. All helmets in this submission are originals by me and do not include others' work.
A set of 13 original helmets in the style of the Liberated Pixel Cup (LPC). Kindly commissioned by castelonia.
- Maximus helmet, inspired by the one worn by Maximus Decimus Meridius in Gladiator
- Barbuta helmet, based on medieval Italian Barbute helmets
- Simple barbuta helmet
- Barbarian helmet, based on one worn by Conan the Barbarian
- Nasal barbarian helmet
- Viking-style helmet
- Flat-top helmet, aka enclosed helmet
- Close helm
- Greathelm
- Nasal helm
- Spangenhelm
- Viking-style spangenhelm
- Sugarloaf greathelm
- Simple sugarloaf helm
All include male and female spritesheets, fully animated (walk, thrust, slash, shoot, hurt). All items are recolored into 8 color palettes: brass, bronze, ceramic, copper, gold, iron, silver, steel. Several removable accessories are included, including horns, a metal crest, and a grated visor.
Preview includes clothing from https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-roman-armor by Nila122, Matthew Krohn, and Johannes Sjölund.
You may use this submission in a work protected by DRM, provided you follow the attribution instructions below.

Three words:
They're great.
Russel crowe would be proud if he sees this!
Great addition! Thanks so much! LOL about russel crowe. I can't wait to add these. I have been playing with dynamic paletting in my game so I will show you how they look in different palettes :D
This is awesome! I"d love to have a chat about some tips at some point if you're willing.
Sure thing! Just send me a PM!
This is awesome!!!