[LPC] Major Triumph
Thursday, July 19, 2018 - 01:31
Art Type:
The superhero Major Triumph is from Public Domain Super Heros.
Only walking, casting and dying animation is finished so far.
Hero pants and shield need some additional work.
Original assets were all taken from Universal LPC spritesheet
Based on work by Johannes Sjölund, Matthew Krohn, Joe White, Stephen Challener
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Major Triumph's shield based on shield by Johannes Sjölund (AKA wulax)
Major Triumph's belt based on leather belt by Johannes Sjölund (AKA wulax)
red bracers based on bracers by Johannes Johannes Sjölund (AKA wulax) and Matthew Krohn
red bracers based on bracers by Johannes Johannes Sjölund (AKA wulax) and Matthew Krohn
red shoes based on brown shoes by Johannes Sjölund (AKA wulax) and Joe White
Major Triumph's mask and suit are based on male body with base animations by Johannes Sjölund (AKA wulax) and Stephen Challener (AKA Redshrike)
black hero pants based on white pants by Johannes Sjölund (AKA wulax)

Cool that is really awesome!
Demonstrates again how versatile the LPC spritesheet is. Love the addition of one or multiple superheroes. I am working on a game for quite a time already using LPC assets, I am almost ready for beta phase. For this I am also rewriting/ expanding the spritesheet generator.
I can add these assets as well if they are to completed, are you still working on this (complete animation frames)?
Anyways, awesome work thanks for sharing!
I finally got around to looking at the sprite...spent WAY too long in that "Public Domain Super Heroes" rabbit hole .....
Capt Tootsy is FREAKIN hilarious
Nice job, btw...would make a great hero in Skorpio's LPC Sci Fi Pack
Yes, this is work in progress. Plan is to support all attack actions and dying (without shield).
For walking in all directions, only pants are missing.
I removed all incomplete frames.
The shield is actually a discus and would need a special attack animation, but I don't think I am able to do that.
I also started working on these two: (maybe I release that without finishing the heroes)
Boom Shaka:
I thought so, too: https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-streets
Cool, that is so nice to also have heroes in the LPC style.
I would love to see the character set for LPC to be expanded even more and more. When my game may be succesful, i will do some commisioned work on the character set. I have a lot of ideas for it. I hope I can contribute in that way, as for artistic skills i am quite bad.
I dont know what weapon Captain carries, but you might check out if a light saber suits him:)
Skorpio's pack quite awesome indeed, nice adjustments. He also had this black and white bots that would be cool to make a complete sheet for, currently they lack attack animations. I have it on my wishlist for the to be commisioned work.
Anyways, thanks again for this lovely character!
According to the wiki he carries a discus and a gun, but has actually no need for the gun.
Skorpio created animations for his rifle, shotgun and double pistols.
Ahh ok yes, a real super hero does not weapons, should have thought about this earlier.. :)
Yea true about the shoot animations, I never tried them but it looks like they were meant for shooting while walking. But I will give them a try once, maybe they work when standing still as well.
I heavily modified Major Triumph for Everything Attacks. I took three frames and made them supervillains.