[LPC] modular bodies and heads
I seperated body and head.
Lizard, wolf and ogre got some small changes.
Female ogre is a face overlay, therfore it can be used with any already existing female animations.
Only a few examples are prebuilt. Prebuilds aren't indexed 8bit PNGs with defined palettes like the source files.
The zip conaints all source PNGs and scripts for creating any possible body combination. Version control is done with git, release commits are tagged and image diffs can be viewed with gitg.
I use the original light skin color for all sources, palettes can be easily switched. There is also a script for that.
Contained in this set
- human (m/f)
- ogre (m/f)
- lizard (m/f)
- wolf (m/f)
- skeleton (m)
- normal (m/f)
- muscular (m)
- pregnant (f)
This allows to create 10 different full bodies, which again can be used with various skin tones
You need a shell, gnu make and imagemagick.
Build process
For creating some example bodies do
You can create custom bodies with the format (sex)_(skin)_(body)_(head)_(animation)
make female_ogregreen_pregnant_ogre_all.png
make male_wolfbrown_muscular_wolf_walkcycle.png

I've been following the discussion thread - this must have been a lot of work! Looking forward to seeing how the rest of the animations turn out.
It wasn't. Just a few hours. It's just the walking animation and three head types after all.
I mostly just cutted existing stuff.
I did a new ogre, because the old one had fucked up colors somehow.
Tried to improve the drake because it looked so sharp, I guess it's hopeless. The shading looks wrong and I can't do it better.
What I had in mind, when doing this:
Maybe it does not even work with the other animations.
New in 0.1:
Just see this post only now, quite awesome!
Actually this you also to have some headless people running around on halloween in your game for example:) This modularity increases the LPC character possibilities tenfolds. Did ylu create the walking wolf man your self? I know there are some LPC wolves submitted by Thompson (created by Redshrike I think) which look a bit alike, but they walk like true wolves.
Yes, but I wrongly attributed only Thompson. wolfsheet5_0.png is the wolf, I used.
I added the neck and played around with the colors. The wolf originally has much more colors, but it must be compatible to the lower body. That's why the pinkish inside of the ears and the highlights became the same color, which looks a bit weird.
Only the shape is the exact same.
The zip contains a attribution.md with links to original submissions and authors.
And beware, that the headless bodies are optimized for being used with heads and look weird without.
I think they look rather cool actually:) Could be a werewolf for example, really nice job imo
Yeah it looks strange a bit, but i will have some fun with them anyways, maybe give them a scarf to see the result
The coloring of wolf(wo)man looks odd and is not considered finished.
Wolf heads, skeleton head and male ogre head don't have any shadow yet.
Head shadow of pgnant women is inconsistent between walk and slash animation.
This is the first pregnant slash animation. Second frame of left/right and third frame of bottom stick out and must be improved in the future. There are no compatible clothings for this yet.