Male Warrior Sprite Animations
Saturday, May 10, 2014 - 19:38
Art Type:
Male Warrior sample (Epic RPG series)
This is a sample of the Male Warrior sprite pack, the character is designed to suit RPG and other 2D isometric games, contains 1 running animation and 8 directions per animation, plus the ability to swap weapons.
- Designed for retina display
- Swapable weapons
Sample file contains the following
- 1 running animation + 8 directions
- 1 sword weapon animation to match the running animation
See full product Male Warrior for full animation set.
See my collection of game asset also on Gamefresco

I have to say only one thing: I do believe this asset is useless and only created to bring in people to buy the full thing.
Unlike other assets uploaded by you, this one on its own is pretty much useless because it's just a single animation (heck, not even a standing still frame?)
That said, I don't think it's a bad asset; it looks good and the animation is fluid. Probably because it's prerendered from a 3D model (not that that's a bad thing). The standing sprite from the preview reminded me of the style of Ragnarok Online, all things said.
On the other hand, all frames are in independent images and are of a 720x720 size with lots of blank space. That's probably to have all the weapons in layers of same-sized images so little work has to be done to line them up.
PS/Fun fact: I just checked the site, and the full pack is a whole 8 animations of the things in the sample (character+sword), with extra weapons sold separately.
You can use one of the frame from run for standing for now, but yes I could include the standing still one so its more useful.
The frames are all 720x720 including the weapons, several reason for this, one is to have it useable on tablet devices like ipad 2+ with retina display, so character won't appear small.
Two the weapons can be layered on top of any equivalent animation, so Run-sword can be layer for Run-Character so you don't need to djust any frames manually it will line up perfectly.
Hi, your asset is great for me! I've used it in my small project. Here the landing page of my Action RPG modules (is not a real game, it's only a free to use template for RPG on mobile):
Your male warrior character saved me when I was searching for main p'rotagonist of my project. Thanks!
Given enough angles, you can restore the original model and the animations. Basically he released to us whole model, animation and texture. It just takes some knowledge to restore it.
if the asset that you sell was 3D it would be nice, but in my opinion selling png of a 3d is not realy that great, but good luck its just my opinion . anyway thanks for uploading this model