Mouse basemesh
Tuesday, April 30, 2013 - 01:00
Art Type:
A generic mouse mesh. It is not gameready but may serve as a starting point for further modifications.
Approximately 700 tris.
Initially made in Wings3d then exported to Blender.
Attribution Instructions:
If you use it, please drop a note below and provide a link back from your project to this page. It is not mandatory though.

I need a good start for some mousy critters.
I'll use it temporaly for a college project I have. Problably I'll do one later by myself, but for now I need something and dont have the time. If I really happen to use this one, I'll ask and credit it to you
Used this as a base for my own rat, thanks for the model! Couldn't quiet get anything made myself. Its surprisingly hard to make a good rat.