Multigun textured
Well this is my first upload, I found a model here that wasn't textured, but was great, so i took some of my free time to texture it.
I'm uploading the non modified 3d model, with the UV mapping, don't hate me for the simplicity of the uv maping I'm new on this.
>I used Photoshop CS6 for the render and the texture.
>The texture is a derivated work from Nobiax's (yughues) Sci-fi decals and textures from his model Weapon box 2
>Only diffuse texture. No normal. No Spectacular. Sorry.
>There are 2 texture files. One has a little error, that is fixed in the other texure, but it isn't big.
Sci-fi Decals:
Weapon Box 2:

Could you link the original? Also choosing multiple licenses means the resource can be used with any of the selected licenses, GPL does not allow relicensing, thus your license should be GPL v3 to be compatible.
All rigth I fixed it. But I'n not sure if i did it rigth, I still needing some help with this.
It seems pretty right to me. Just to keep in mind, there are two licenses on OGA does not allow relicensing: GPL and CC-By-SA