Mysterious Ambience (song21)
Friday, October 25, 2013 - 15:04
Art Type:
- !Project::KISS Armored Battle
- !Project::KISS Topdown Shooter
- Ambience
- Atmospheric Game Music
- audio::music::space
- Bikegame
- BlackCortex
- Dark Sci-Fi
- Dot Universe
- Dragon Booster Remake
- Hungame Project
- Legend of Rathnor Parts
- Lost Dungeon
- Music
- Music
- Music - Ambient
- Music - Puzzle
- music for Fish fillets remake
- Music I May Use
- Project: SR Music
- Public Domain Music
- Regular Music
- SciFi Worldbuilding
- Space Music
- Space Sounds
- Star Ruler 2 replacement music

Mysterious Ambience (song21)
Piano textures and arpeggios. Suitable for a mysterious cave level or puzzle game.
This is for my upcoming game Pixelsphere ( I'm sharing some of my assets (art, sound effects and music) with the community to thank you for all the great content you have contributed. Let me know which works you find useful and I will share more similar content.
Attribution Instructions:

Hi cynicmusic, I just used your music in my Ludum Dare 30 entry. It fits the game nicely and I like it very much. Thank you so much for sharing it.
Here is the link:
This track is excellent! I've stitched this (and song18 - together in a seamless loop for FreeBlocks, an open source match-3 game here:
FreeBlocks project:
The track is stored here:
The tracks work well together since they are in the same key and mode, and have similar instrumentation. If you don't mind, please include this file in your submission!
P.S. good luck with your game
Hey there Alex!
I really loved th music you did for Pixelsphere! I used three tracks of yours which evoke a mysterious/forest atmosphere (Song 21, Song 18, Dark Forest Theme) in Sylvan Disappearance, a mystery visual novel.
You're credited in the Credits menu inside the game, as well as in the credits roll.
Thank you so much for making such fantastic music available to other game developers, it is incredibly helpful. I also really feel like checking out Pixelsphere after hearing how good the entire soundtrack is on your site.
Thanks again so much!
Hi Rasta thanks so much for your kind words!! Congrats on your novel release! I do have dozens more songs that might sound great with your project like these ones. Alex
Hi cynicmusic,
I really like this music because how it fits to a game where there's a scene when player enters a mysterious cave. Can I use your music for my game project. It is for educational purpose and I'll never use it to gain profit from your work.
I love this!! Thank you so much!
I put it in my game. Dodging Beats.
very good music. Can I use this for my portfolio? I'm planning to make it soon. Thanks.