NES Shooter Music (5 tracks, 3 jingles)
Sunday, September 14, 2014 - 11:02
Art Type:
- 8-bit tracks
- Art With (Open) Character
- Audio - CC0 - 8Bit -Chiptune
- awesome 2d shooter
- Ayrton Sapiens OST ideas
- CC0 2D Animation
- CC0 Chiptunes
- CC0 Music
- CC0 Music
- CC0 Music
- Chiptune
- Chiptune music
- Crab Game
- Cryothene
- Cusp
- Eclectic recommendations
- Famitracker music suitable for hUGEtracker remake
- FrostCrest - winter Jam 2022
- Frostcrest winter jam 2022 scouting
- Jump n gun
- Knight's Vendetta
- Mega Man Clone
- Music
- Music
- music
- music
- Music
- Music - Retro
- My Collection
- Nice 2D Art
- Nice Chiptunes
- No way of losing it!
- Not Another Asteroid
- Pixelated Music
- RoBrodaj
- RPG::Music
- Scramble Clones
- Shmup Gameboy
- Shmup Stuff
- SkookumScript Demo Music
- Skycadia Music
- Smash
- sounds an music
- Thing game assets?
- Truly Truly Public Domain
- Ze Audio Album
- [Airos] [CC0] Music - Chiptune
- _Audio - A Catalogar

This is a collection of chiptune tracks that I created for an abandoned NES-styled Shoot 'em Up. It covers a variety of moods, and could probably fit with all sorts of actiony genres.
All the music tracks loop by themselves, with the exception of the boss track which has an "intro" section that leads into the "main" loop.
I've also included the ftm files. If you want to edit the tracks, feel free to download Famitracker and play around.
Attibution is completely optional.
Wow. these are amazing. thankyou.
I can't remember the last time I used "amazing" and "public domain" in the same sentence when it comes to chiptunes. But I'm genuinely impressed; these public domain chiptunes truly are amazing! Great job!
They are exceptionally great
Thank you a lot for this music!
I found it a while ago here and fell in love with it. I used it in my little arcade game Martian Protector
I love these. Thanks!
Very good and CC0 licensing.
Amazing !! Thx for sharing ;D
Love this! Will add this to next update of my Casino Slots game Slots 26
Thank You im using this in my game
good work
The Mars on has its own sorda creepy, sorda dark and abandoned feel to it
Awesome :D
thanks for sharing
Love these tunes! Nice Holst reference from "Mars, the Bringer of War"
Absolutely beautiful, I am using these for a 2D platformer I made and it fits perfectly.
Thank you so much for providing these!
Thank you very much!
Amazing tracks! Wow! It is alright if I use this for my school project right? They are just what im looking for!
That was ripped and reassembled music from our Venus Force Five: The Game for NEC PC-8801 mark II. Once we copyrighted that through JASRAC, and now it was released at Google Play and ITunes Store!
We are strongly recommend to set the name of original author/publisher, otherwise we'll contact system administrator for further deletion of the work from the website. We have all of artist's and work's documents.
Best regards,
@MetroVG Studio Bluebird: This submission has been marked as having a licensing issue while we investigate. Downloads are disabled. Can you provide more information about the circumstances? Please Private Message me links to the documents you've mentioned and/or the relevant JASRAC entries.
licensing flag lifted: patent troll.
These are GREAT, but usually NES songs are catchy. I don't want to be rude, but these aren't very catchy.
Still, great songs. :)
what @MetroVG Studio Bluebird talk about? Can i use those music for my project?
MetroVG Studio Bluebird was a patent troll; disregard everything he said. You are able to use this music in your project.
I have been served with a DMCA takedown on my Steam game which used several of these tracks. If you have any of the proof or information that caused you to realize that this was a patent troll, I would greatly apprecaite it. The last thing I want is to get involved in a difficult legal situation over a game I distribute for free on Steam.
Thank you!
@UpsilonGames: Sketchy logic had the music hosted here years before MetroVG listed any proof of ownership and IP filing. Sketchy logic even included the Famitracker 'source code', which MetroVG was unable to produce. The first instance of MetroVG's claim is 4 years after it shows up here on OGA. MetroVG claims the documents were filed in 1991, but was not able to link to a legitimate IP/Copyright/Trademark/Audio-signature site where that is the case, only (poorly) forged documents hosted on a personal fileshare account.
It is not impossible for someone to take a cc0 work, register it as their own, then claim others are violating IP when they "forget" where they got it originally. I'm guessing the DMCA is also patent trolling hoping they'll gain some legitimacy by making your life difficult. Sketchy logic has the legal right to fight the claim and either of you could even sue the claimant for fraudulent takedown, but getting too deep into that may, unfortunately, be more trouble than a free asset is worth for Sketchy or you.
I will PM you the conversation I had with MetroVG if you would like.
I would greatly appeciate that! Please PM it to me. Thank you so much for the detailed and rapid response.
I at least have to appeal the DMCA takedown from Steam, which will take a minimum of ten days to apply. This is very frustrating, but as you said it's unlikely I can do anything about it. I'm not even losing profit (because it's a free game); people have just contacted me about being unable to play. :(
If you're willing, please keep me aprised (via PM) of how the appeal goes. I would like to learn as much as I can about the process and response so I can effectively advise others who find themselves in your situation.
You are very talented
used Mars in my game Dodging Beats. Thank you!
Thank you for this assets. I used all tracks here, and for me they suits perfectly :)
Hi SketchyLogic.
I used the track Mercury in my game Rad Rocket.
Thanks :-)
I used your Music for my indie games and i've credit you properly. :)
This is the link if you want to check it out:
Thanks a lot this is great
I used this music in my game Im learning so...
maaan those songs are epic
Dude these are awesome!
Thanks a lot for the songs. I have credited you in my game.
Awesome music! I wanted to let you know I used most of the tracks for my game dev class final project. Give it a shot and let me know what you think!
This is beyond amazing :D
Hi SketchyLogic.
I've used the track "Venus" in my game Charged also.
Thanks and all the best.
Hello! I used this in my Game Jam game, Michinori. =)
I gave you credits in the game description and inside with your username and link to your OpenGameArt profile.
Please, let me know if there's a problem.
Thank you so much for sharing, i'm using the awesome songs in my current game jam project!
This is soo good! I used the tracks and the jingles for an entrie of "Polo Sul GameJam", thank you really really much!!! <3
Your name is on the credits!
This is amazing! :o
Anyway, I'm using this in my game Double Savage, feel free to give a feedback if you like it :) I used your sounds in my game, they are very good! thanks for letting everyone use them for free. - Eu estou usando suas músicas em um de meus jogos! Muito agradecido pelo seu trabalho.
Thank you for making this. I am using it in this free to play project on
On Level 10, just before the final boss, a shorter loop of track 4 aka Mars is playing.
Aloha! These tracks are sick, my friend! Thanks for sharing!
Hi SketchyLogic!
Your music is amazing!
I've used one of those tracks in my game 'Ganbatte!! Robochan'. It´s available at
It's the boss fight theme. The free demo version has only two stages, but I can send you the complete version for free if you want.
Thank you so much for making your music available! :)