New England Textures I
Monday, January 6, 2014 - 17:40
Art Type:
These are 1024^2 tiling textures that I created from photo references I took of outdoor surfaces in New England in the summer, using Photoshop and Bitmap2Material. These contain bump, diffuse, normal, and glossy-coefficient maps. Revised versions of these textures will appear in the G3D Innovation Engine
Attribution Instructions:
Attribution is appreciated but not required: I release these into the public domain with the exception of rusty metal, which is CC-BY 2.0/3.0 because of the underlying texture.

Why you release bump, diffuse and specular? Normal maps would be more useful, bump maps can be baked into the diffuse map and/or as heightmap into the normal map alpha channel.
I originally didn't include normal maps because they depend on the convention of the modeling tool, but it is easy to compute them from bump maps, which are unambigous.
Because several people requested normal maps, however, I updated the file with them and several other changes:
Ok, I was just asking what the intention was.
Every maps depend on convention and taste, even the diffuse, this is why it is complicated to release texture maps, you can just release them optimized for a specific purpose or engine.
So far I think what makes most sense to me is to add the seamless version of the raw photo, with that everyone can run it through a generator.
I think the normal maps are wrong now, you just pasted over the bump map without alpha channel, normally it is pasted into the alphachannel and the rest is left as it is so the normal map can work properly.
Maybe they work in your engine, but I don't really believe that, the conventions are similar in all engines, just the y-axis is different, in your case the y-axis is not inverted, while most common engines use y-inverted.
If your engine uses a different convention you'll have to modify them. G3D computes the normal map from the bump map on load, which is convenient because that's what the OBJ spec requires anyway and avoids convention issues.
No, I mean your normal maps are not real normal maps, it looks like you pasted the bumpmap over it. Normal maps have only red, green, blue, but yours are half white.
The PNG exporter alpha-blended based on heightfield to white. I'll remaster the normals in the file.