Office Beat them all pack
Thursday, March 19, 2015 - 20:34
Art Type:
I participated to a developper contest in my town. The objective was to code a full playable Android game in 48h. So I make a beat them all game that take place in an office space.
I extended thoses Arts :
I extended the office tiles with some extra stuff.
7 NPC ( 3 females, 4 males ) with run, stand and hit sprites.
I also made weapons sprites for the main character :
- Lamp
- Plant
- Katana
- Extinguisher
- Seat
Characters are 32x32 sprites, tiles are 32x48 sprites.
You can download the game here :
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Include Icedman and Rich_Uncle_Bloodmoney along with your credits.

Good work, but there's a problem: You can't take art that is licensed CC-BY-3.0 (Victims and Villagers), modify it, and then release it as CC-0. You'll need to pick one of the following options:
1) Make this contribution also CC-BY-3.0 with an attirbution line giving credit to the original artists (icedman and Rich_Uncle_Bloodmoney).
2) Remove the art based upon the Victims and Villagers set completely.
3) Split this into two sets, one CC0 with the ART based upon the CC0 Office Space Tileset and one CC-BY-3.0 as in option 1 above.
Thanks for the precision, as I don't really understand all of this licences stuff lol