paramecij's vegetation base texture pack
Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 17:17
Art Type:
- 3D Sword & Sorcery
- C-Dogs SDL art
- CC-Zero Models
- cc0 fps resources
- CC0 Textures
- Cool Stuff for a 2D RPG game
- Farm (interesting)
- Flora - Vegetation - Plants
- Golden Axe
- Good CC0-Art
- Good Public Domain 2D Art
- Hantolzuca
- legends
- Olive Branches
- OpenGameArt Jam resources
- Pumpkin Patch
- Random Art
- textures vegetation
- Torqu3D RPG Template
- Vegetation/Foliage Textures (cutouts/texture cards)
A small collection of various vegetation photos. Intended as base textures for making real-time vegetation models. All photos were taken by me, most of them were downsized by 50% to keep filesizes more friendly, but can still be considered fairly high-res.
I intend to update and grow this pack.
- various resolutions, mid to high (~1k-2k)
- already cut-out (transparent .pngs)
- public domain
Feedback more then welcome,

Para, you just made my day. Thank you so much for sharing this!
This kind of quality work is just what this site needs. Keep up the good work, thanks for picking CC0 license
Very useful, thats really what I need, but why not make a zip so they can be downloaded in one click?
And it says "pack #1", will there be more?
Very nice. Have you already tried how well the GIMP normal-map plugin works with these as a base?
This is great stuff.
Sure the normalmap plugin works with that, but normalmap on leaves is not much needed, I mostly don't use them on leaves and if you want real good normal maps external specialized programs for that are better than the simple normalmap plugin.
@Duion, yes there will be more (as already mentioned),
I plan to update this entry with more textures in the near future, or would a separate entry be better?
I uploaded as separate files so that people can see and pick the ones they need. No zip file is mainly due to my mobile internet that has limited bandwidth and slow speeds...
@Julius, haven't tried yet, if/when I get around to making some plant models from them, I will. I imagine I'd be resizing them at least if not some other minor tweaking and arranging them into a atlas texture afterwards for efficiency.. that's why I thought it's a bit pointless making normal maps at this stage. You get better results if you custom tailor the normal maps for your renderer anyway.
For very small plants and leaves on tall trees I don't use any normal/bump mapping, only for trunks, branches, bigger vegetation that can be viewed from up close..
I do not pick what I need, I leech all and later pick from my archive, because you need a big collection for finding anything useful for your project.
Zip files get unpacked automatically here, so it is easier for you to upload, easier for others to download and people can still pick individually if they want, so there is no drawback.
An atlas texture is not useful at this stage, since you probably would not use all of the textures and some would have to be heaviely modified to make use of them.
High quality :) There are some points you could improve on:
- provide flower part of dandelion, trunk of sunflower, strawberry fruit
- search the names of the plants you named "tree branch" and "small plant" -> users will be able to get more information if they need to
EDIT: I wonder how you make your plants transparent. I usually hold them in front of the blue sky.
Yes, name of the plants is very important if you want to make authentic models, I already wasted many many hours trying to find out the real names of some plants I found on some textures sites, named as leaf1, leaf2...
Some trunks are hard to make into a texture from photo, I had better results hand painting these textures. That said, I'll try to provide more complete sets in the future..
About plant names, I tried my best at naming the ones I could easily identify, for most I couldn't find their name - yet.
For future releases I'm hoping pixel32 will help me with the naming ;)
@kddekadenz: yes sky works great as background, but when I go out prepared I take a white cardboard/paper/cloth background with me
Depends on what plugins you are using to make textures seamless. In fact I have for example a seamless bark texture to go with acorn leaves, but my thoughts are currently too commercial to share it freely :P By the way, what's with the donation pools oga once had, where you needed to break a goal to unlock gameart? I would be interested in offering some of my work.
I commented on one of the branch textures, giving you the name ;)
thank you.i need this so much
Thank you, for your work, it would be nice for future projects to put the files all in one zip archive, for easier download.
Amazing artwork/texturing stuff. Looks really Nice would be good if there was a pack with lower resolution images for like low image quality graphics. but eitherway looks good :)
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