Progress / health / mana bar svg
Wednesday, June 5, 2013 - 23:52
Art Type:
Simple 2d bar.
- includes a background layer (empty bar)
- bar layer ( 3 different blue bars are privided)
- foreground layer (frame around the bar)
- a marker (for progress bars)
This was my attemp at trying to duplicate plants vs zombies's progress bar.
Not a good artist myself, but might be useful for someone
Attribution Instructions:
Attribution is not necessary, tho I would love to see how you use it.

Nice, I really like the green one.
can we get a version with separate handle from the bar?
What do you mean by handle?
the white handle that moves up and down the bar.
Or was it not meant for that ?
I will probably use this for a slider control purposes.
That was actually meant as a static marker for "checkpoints"For my game, i exported the handle as a different image from inkscape. I have them in the same svg file so that if you want to modify it you can See easier how it looks
All i see in this .svg is a green bar with gray border and a handle 3/4 of way up.
Are there supposed to be layers in the file if opened with specific image editing program?
If you open it with an svg editing program you should See the layers.
i used inkscape to create the svg
Really good!