Racing Asset 'Touring Car' SMS
Saturday, March 30, 2019 - 12:21
Art Type:
A Touring car for Pseudo racing games.
SMS colour palette! yah!
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Free to as you want, no credit or permission needed, but always appreciated.:) You could hit that fav button and/or share this asset on your social networks!

Hey there! I´m using this in a game i´m working on. I needed a car and your assets are just amazing.
Awesome!, glad you like it, il be adding more in the future. :) let me know how your project goes, you can link you game here on the asset. :)
I'm totally going to be using this in my game After Command! I'll post about it in my next update.
Cool! look forward to it. :)
@chasersgaming Hey, here is a WIP gif of the cross country section of one of the games I'm working on.
@Disthron Would you look at that, that looks awesome mate! keep me posted. :)