Records of the Laguna Retreat Assets
This pack contains all graphical assets, 2D and 3D, used for Records of the Laguna Retreat, a game made in 30 days for the OpenGameArt Fall 2023 Game Jam. It includes some cut content not seen in the jam version of the game.
We will probably improve some of these and re-release them separately in the future. This pack is provided as a snapshot of all assets as they were when development of the jam version ended, flaws included!
Assets were created by myself and ed3800, who has no OpenGameArt account. If reusing, please credit both of us. If you want to link to our separate profiles instead of this page, you can find his account here.
* UI Elements and background art
* Character with idle, move, death, being carried, swim, build/heal, fire, reload animations
* 3D models for guns, artillery shells, uniform pieces, bridge segments, some unused. Substance Painter files for the bridge segment
* Layered source files for the sprites of the ground, bridges, barges, and two variants of treasure
* Some 3D renders used as bases for the sprites, including unused piers
* 2D animation of an explosion in water
Many works from OGA and elsewhere were used to create these. All of these assets are licensed as CC-BY-SA 4.0. For the credits of the originals and their original licenses (which are all CC-BY-SA compatible) please see the readme file included in the download, the credits on the game page linked above, or the Codeberg repo: