Riding the supernova

Alternate title: Space Cowboy Rides The Supernova Into The Sun(set)
Posting something in a long while! I've been meaning to upload old stuff for some time now, but lets start with this.
Something in the vein of hard rock except not quite... medium rock or synth rock? I dunno. Originally it was nicknamed "magic bus theme" since there was some theme song for a Magic Bus game for the NES (??) which had a bizarre main menu theme. As in just random notes and random instruments weird.
This song was made with Milkytracker and an assorted sample pack... I probably wont keep Milkytracker as a main tool for composing, but it's okay to record quick ideas and maybe work on them for some time. It is WEIRD now, but it was a lot WEIRDER when I first put the melody in with orchestra hits and brass and "twangs"... the sample guitars sound funny at places and then they sound very good at parts.
Upon request I can upload the extended module (.xm) file if someone wants to work on it.

I like
Buen trabajo