- !CO Assets
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- 8x
- 8x8
- 8x8_cc0_oga-by_roguelike
- A Pixel Art Collection
- A Pool: Unsorted (GDN)
- CFJam2023
- DawnBringer 32-color Palette
- disot assets
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- Favorite Assets
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- Pixel Art - JRPG
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- Text RPG
- THEME: fantasy / rpg
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- UMZ collections
- Zed: AM: Top-Down
- Zelda Like RPG
Tileset suitable for a "Roguelike" game or whatever you like. Uses db32 palette, most are 8x8.
A few things to note:
* The gui box is made to be drawn using a rectangle on top of a filled rectangle, and the tiles drawn on the corners. This way you can size it however you like. I suggest you just save one 16x16 image for the corner and just rotate it to fit.
* The fonts are not monospace, and some are the same height. I included different versions of the font to allow for personal preference. The way I recommend using the fonts is take the largest font for capitals, and smallest for lowercase. Draw a shadow color version of it behind and 1 pixel to the left, then another 1 pixel below that one. See the text "Test" in the font section for example.
* I realize there isn't a lot of variety in items, monsters, settings, but hopefully you can get creative (palette swap the stone background for grass, etc.
UPDATE: Also check out this add-on:

This looks really good... did you use it for anything?
Thank you. Nope, unused.
Waht a shame, well i i ever have some time to update my engine this would be a cool tile set to use
Great start, and worthwhile as a project for various people to contribute. If it's CC0 it's about as easy as you can get. It can be used as a whole or a part very easily.
You may not have as much as you want yet, but if someone else is looking at this and just looks at the preview they might not realize the other images are in there. Maybe you can add another thumbnail?
I ought to see what I have that could fit the 8x8 tile idea and contribute too. Might be a kick in the pants to get other things out there.
Amazing. Thanks Dave.
Precious work