RPG Assets 'Tile Set' (NES)
Tuesday, April 24, 2018 - 10:28
Art Type:
- 2D::Tile::Orthogonal
- 8x8_cc0_oga-by_roguelike
- A Pool: Unsorted (GDN)
- Art Kits
- Assets for making DOS games or games like in DOS in the early 90's
- Cave Bad clone 1
- CC0 resources
- CF Inspiration
- Game Jam Fall 2022 - scouting
- Locations
- NES-like
- NesMaker_Escape!! - credits
- Oddball Gamez NES Style
- public domain packs/sets
- QnD002 Assets
- Ragnar's CC0 Bag of Holding
- Tile Sets
- Vanguard
Every land has a Castle right? create various rooms, bedrooms, kitchin, bathroom and of coarse a dungeon for some epic adventure, or some old Bed 'n' breafast.
canvas is 128x128, includes PNG, BMP & CHR files.
8x8 tiles, and a couple of animations for the torch lights and fire place.
Character in the images is NOT included in the download.
enjoy! :)
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
free to use as you want, no credit required but always appreciated. :)
To support, Share and fav! or check my patreon.

Wow. Nostalgic! :) That looks great!
Thanks AntumDeluge :)
I love that !! Nice job there ;)
Thank you @looneybits. Haven't seen you for a while buddy. :)
Love this!
@spring thanks, glad you love it!
I might use this now ^^
Cool! Love to see what you do! :)