RPG Character 'Vampire'
Monday, November 19, 2018 - 10:49
Art Type:
- 5/8 Directional Sprite Sets
- 8 Frame Walk Cycles
- agent chaser assets
- Assets for making DOS games or games like in DOS in the early 90's
- Cave Bad clone 1
- Character Sprites
- Character Sprites
- Characters
- Game Jam Fall 2022 - scouting
- public domain packs/sets
- QnD002 Assets
- Ragnar's CC0 Bag of Holding
- Tiles - Land & Sea (full set)
Vampire or 'Dracula' character for your games.
IDLE, WALK, RUN, PUSH animations, an Avatar image, Title Screen image, Health Hearts, in up, down,left,right directions.
Made to go with the RPG 'Mansion' Tile Set. but didn't finish both in time for halloween. better late then never i suppose. :)
enjoy.! :)
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Free to use as you want, no credit needed but appreciated.:)

Digging the NES sprite color limits -- out of curiousity, is the palette also limited to the NES palette or just the sprite color restrictions?
It's bestial work.
@leeor_net Thanks!, It is both, colour palette & restrictions, although there is much debate around a 'True' NES colour palette, due to screen displays, NTSC, PAL , PC, LCD displays etc, your never get an accurate unless you actually pull it from the hardware in assembly, So i chose one that I beleive is the closest to it and stuck with. :)
@Snasbisch, thanks. :)