RPG Tilesets pack
Thursday, January 21, 2016 - 12:57
Art Type:
Every file contains a single tile type with all its merging parts.
Every tile is 16x16 px. The top-left 3x3 squares are the center of the tile surrounded by its mergings, the right row is for internal corner merging, and the bottom column (3 tiles) are to be placed randomly for variety.
Note: some tiles are designed to be rendered above others with alpha channels, like the tiles mildew which comes over the brown tiles, or some of the grass.
If you use these tiles credits will be appreciated (but not mandatory) and feel free to drop a link to your project in the comments.
Thanks! :)

Nice art!! Thx for sharing ;D
Thanks, these are great!
Two questions:
hi Versine!
1. What I did was using layers of terrains (so the tilemap is not just an [x,y] matrix, its an [x,y,layer] 3d matrix), and the terrain I want to put above in mergin comes in a higher layer. if you want to merge 3 different types all touching each other it means you need 3 layers. If your graphic engine have some sort of z-indexing instead of layers you can use it.
as for the question of where to put which part - every tile contains the "base" tile, which is the center piece (tile indexed 1,1) or an alternative center (one of the tiles at the bottom line) + surrounding mergings.
this means when every tile renders itself it asks: "is there a tile above me (in the same layer)?" if no, render another tile piece with merging up graphics, right above the base. then he asks "is there a tile below me"? and if no render the merging down, and so forth.
start with just the side mergings and corners, and after this works go handle the internal corners which are a little more tricky.
most graphic engines today use sprites and nodes (or containers) anyway, so you'll probably want to write an "update_graphics" function that clear all previous tile sprites and re-create them based on the conditions I mentioned above.
I hope it wasn't too confusing :)
2. the animated tiles are like 4 packs in one file, located from left to right. the animation is intended to be 4 steps animation that every step takes the tile from a different section. as for the black background, the water is intended to render as two layers - there's the base layer (forgot filename but its there), which is static, and the animated part with black background, which I render with additive filter.
Also, please note that currently there's some licensing problem on this package, which is weird. I really don't know what its all about but I suggest waiting until OGA sort it out. just in case.
Was the barrel part of the pack or just used in the screenshot? Because that barrel is from the default LPC assets, and is not CC0. If there are other assets like that, edited and not made from scratch, then that would explain the licencing problem.
The barrels and other "stolen goods" (trees, character, ..) are just illustration for the screenshot, I don't include them in the package itself.
Didn't think it would be a problem though, I though license apply to the package only. I contacted OGA but they didn't replay. should I delete and reupload this submit? or just change the screenshot and wait?
Thanks! :)
> I though license apply to the package only
Funny you mention this, there was a rather large discussion about this recently:
Turns out to be a trickier issue than it seems, although I guess the simple summary of the current situation is that previews are not part of the submission proper and not bound or covered by it's licence(s).
So no one contacted you privately about this submission?
Even that would be a little odd, normally mod's leave a public comment when they flag something.
Seems like you've been left hanging here. Doesn't seem right or fair. :(
That's a very useful link, thanks! I hope my future submissions won't get flagged thanks to it :)
OGA's admins will probably get back to me when they have the time, I only contacted them yesterday and I'm sure they got a lot on their hands anyway.
Just in case I'll replace the screenshot when I'll get back from work.
Another thing you could try is logging onto the IRC and asking there:
It's open login, so you don't need to create an account or anything.
Sometimes the site admins will respond on there.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I find this really odd. Sharm's probably right, my guess is an admin saw the extras in the preview and flagged it, but I can't say why they wouldn't have at least left you a comment about it.
TBH, the usual routine is for an admin to leave a comment asking about an issue and flag the submission only if the submitter can't or won't address it.
Thanks! These are some quality looking assets - I'm especially looking forward to integrating the bridges and water into my game. I appreciate you sharing this with us!